5 Unconventional Super Foods for Building Muscle

5 Unconventional Super Foods for Building Muscle

Stefan Pinto

Buil­ding muscle mass requi­res a daily intake of not only pro­tein, but good car­bohy­dra­tes for energy. Fuel your fit­ness muscle buil­ding power with these muscle buil­ding foods:

  1. Spi­nach: Ima­gine if you could inc­rease pro­tein pro­duc­tion by 120%? You can, with spi­nach. Accor­ding to a Rut­gers Uni­ver­sity study, phy­toecydys­te­roid a com­pound found in spi­nach, allo­wed muscle tis­sue to repair itself fas­ter. Pos­sibly not only buil­ding muscle, but making you stron­ger. Eat a ser­ving of spi­nach after every wor­kout to inc­rease muscle mass.
  2. Len­tils: Unre­fi­ned com­plex car­bohy­dra­tes are an ideal sta­ple follo­wing a wor­kout as they pro­vide the energy your body cra­ves. Len­tils are one of the few high-protein legu­mes that pro­vide anywhere from 15-20g of our daily pro­tein requi­re­ment, plus fiber, vita­mins and mine­rals and zero fat.
  3. Sweet Potato: Body­buil­ders have been known to use this edi­ble, tro­pi­cal tuber to expand musc­les. Sweet pota­toes are nutrient powerhou­ses, rich in Vita­mins A and C, both power­ful antio­xi­dants (help remove free radi­cals that only serve to damage cells). Sweet pota­toes are also low in calo­ries. Learn more about sweet potatoes.
  4. Qui­noa (keen-wah): Higher in fiber and pro­tein than oats, qui­noa is pac­ked with potas­sium, iron and the very much need good car­bohy­dra­tes (without car­bohy­dra­tes, the body will use pro­tein for energy ins­tead of for buil­ding muscle). Qui­noa is an ideal muscle-building foods as it con­tains all essen­tial amino acids for pac­king on muscle mass.

5. Apples: More for weight loss, the pec­tin in apples helps you to feel full, making it ideal for post-workouts. The peel of the apple is the most bene­fi­cial part of this com­mon, every­day fruit, howe­ver apples are highly con­ta­mi­na­ted with pes­ti­ci­des. Best to buy organic.