1 diet mistake with a recipe suprise

by Craig Ballantyne

Oh dear, I made a diet boo-boo recently. Twice.

Actually, I blame it on my friend who buys my groceries (I admit it, I’m too lazy to do my grocery shopping.)

Usually she’s perfect and gets me exactly what I need…but recently she’s made a mistake with my peanut butter.

I knew something was “up” when I tasted the peanut butter…because it was the BEST peanut butter I had ever had…and all natural peanut butter does not taste that amazing.

So I checked the ingredient list…

The jar said “all natural”, and while you think that might be healthy, I quickly discovered it was loaded with added sugar. These days you must be very careful because labels are getting very sneaky.

Always check your labels to see if there are added sugars or hydrogenated oils. If there are, AVOID those foods.

I prefer to stick to ONE-ingredient foods, and blend them all up into my morning blender drink. Check out these 3 funky recipes from last week:

Recipe #1 “Peach-Strawberry-Banana”:
1 peach, 1 banana, frozen strawberries, 2 cups almond milk (no sugar), spinach, Garden of Life raw protein powder (optional/use whatever brand you prefer), walnuts, cacao nibs

Recipe #2 “The Sweetest Thing” (best for after a workout)
1 banana, frozen strawberries, raspberries, blueberries (optional), 5 dates, spinach, almond milk, flax oil, protein powder (optional), almond butter.

Recipe #3 “Banana Bread”
1-2 large bananas, blueberries, spinach, almond milk, pecans, protein powder (optional), chia seeds.

The combination of the pecans and bananas make it taste like banana bread. Delicious.

Hope you enjoyed those blender drink recipes. I’ll share more of those in the future.