3 HIGHLY-TOXIC “healthy” ingredients you are eating EVERY DAY

Stuff like this keeps a Nutrition Nerd like me awake at night…

There are 3 ingredients that the FDA, the Government and even most doctors still consider “safe” or even “healthy”.

But in reality, and judging from the latest research…

…they are HIGHLY toxic to your body.

And yet, you probably consume them every single day.

Like this one chemical that’s added to the tap water of 60% of Americans, and that’s now linked to immune system destruction and thyroid suppression.


Fortunately, a great guy I met in Tampa last Year —
Anthony Alayon — has decided to expose these dangerous chemicals and educate the public on how dangerous they are.


There’s no better way to say it… if you care about your
health and those of people you love, then the article at the
link below is a MUST read:


==> 3 Highly Toxic Ingredients You Consume Every Day (Ditch them now)


We can chat later,


J’ean aka Coach




PS — I almost forgot.

Later, I’ll go deep into why the toxic ingredients Anthony
talks about in his research compilation called “101 Toxic
Food Ingredients”
are considered “safe” by the FDA…