5 Key Muscle Building Principles That Are Easy to Apply

From deiselcrew.com

How can building muscle be made simple?

Easy, just by applying some key principles and using the right exercises.

Key Principle 1:  Try to Beat Your Last Workout.

  • If you try to beat the reps you did last workout
  • If you try to beat the sets you did last workout
  • If you try to beat the weight you used last workout
  • If you try to decrease the rest period between sets
  • If you try to increase the speed at which you move the weight

You will make gains.  Just pick one of these variables and change it between workouts.

Key Principle 2:  Make Sure to Get Your Rest

Deload, deload, deload.  Make sure every 3-6 weeks you are scheduling a series of training sessions where you focus more on your mobility, activation and decrease the training intensity (sets x reps x load) of your primary exercises.  This is the key to always recovering above the (supercompensation) baseline.  It gives your body a time to recover and prepare for the next mini/microcycle.

Key Principle 3:  Get Your Mobility On

Flow, mobility, stretching; I don’t care what you call it.  Just do it.  And do it a lot.  It is that important.

Key Principle 4:  Full Range of Motion / Proper Form

Want to start being chased by an angry mob with pitch forks and burning torches, or start walking aimlessly around like Frankenstein?    Easy, don’t perform full range of motion movements!  Frankenstein is exactly how you’ll be moving around if you start loading your body with weight, day in and day out, with a shortened range of motion (and no mobility / flexibility training).  Law of Repetitive Motion states that when we limit the motion and increase the repetitions we’ll be in big trouble when trying to move freely.

You must also use proper form. When you start messing around with weight and poor form, you’ll be asking for the icy hot and mommy to put you to bed with warm milk because you’ll be in big time pain.  Well, mommy isn’t going to be bringing you your binky so you better start using good form.

Key Principle 5:  Pick the Right Exercises

The right exercises is key to engaging as many muscle groups at once (increasing your training session efficiency and getting you in and out of the gym fast) and building muscle fast.  Some of the best compound movements include squats, deadlifts, bench / military press, chin-ups/pull-ups and power clean and press.