7 Habits Of Highly Successful Juicers

In this blog post, I’m going to give you a few awesome tips, tricks and tools to not only enhance your juicing game, but maybe impact your life and the others around you.Reading the title, you are probably wondering what it takes to be successful at juicing?For the purpose of this post, let’s supplement the word “life” in juicing. What’s true for life will apply to juicing as well. I’ll do my best at breaking it down in the juiciest way possible!

If you are the type of person that is just getting by… waking up in the morning with little energy, enthusiasm or zest for life then this is the post you have been waiting for…

I would like to believe everything happens for a reason and you’ve attracted this into your life for a reason.

7 Steps Of Highly Successful Juicers

1) Juicing A Grand Purpose

When making a juice, it is important to know what you want the outcome to be. You see, every vegetable and piece of fruit you put in the juicer has a unique gift to give to you. url

Carrots – great for your eyes – so that you can see all of the beauty that is abundantly around you.

Cucumbers – Hydrate you so that you have energy all day, so that you may enjoy all of your senses in the fullest capacity.

Blueberries – Loaded with Omega 3’s that are amazing for your brain. Providing you with the ability to reason consciously, to dream and dare to be all that you are.

Liken to your own life you have this unique ability that only YOU have. Do you know what it is?

I encourage you to approach life the same way…  my first green drink in the morning is an opportunity to declare what my purpose is. Having this definite purpose with everything you do will add years to your life…

Quality time spent with your kids, family and the people you love!

2) The Proactive Juicer

If you have been juicing for any period of time you will know that it is amazing for preventative care. Maybe you’ve been juicing for a couple of years and have not been ill. Maybe your child was constantly getting sick and then you started giving them living juice and they no longer experience this.

In life it is important to take massive action and go for what you want. Don’t wait for someday.

Someday is not a day of the week.

3) Why Juice? Juan

What is your why? Why do you want supreme health? The quicker we can make it about something that is deeply profound and meaningful to you, you will be able to hit your health and fitness goals.

4) The Loving Juicer

It is a deeply rooted human need to feel appreciated and sometimes we do so much for people, that we often forget about ourselves.

Having your first juice in the morning is a very compassionate move that you can make. It sends a signal to every cell of your body that you do indeed love you. The more you can vibrate in this positive state of love the more love will show up at your doorstep.

Awaken the love that has been sleeping within you…

5) Synergistic Juicer

Adding coconut water to your juice increases the assimilation of certain nutrients by 40%.

Adding black pepper to Turmeric increases the healing effects by 10,000!


This can be applied to life as well. Adding certain people to different occasions is one of the surest ways. The people we love make life awesome!

Who are some of the people that you deeply care about that you don’t see enough?

What is it about them that you love the most? Do you remember a time when you were with them that just meant the world to you?

Remember this time and revisit it often. Successful juicers are always grateful and re-creating moments liken to this.

6) The Giving Juicer juiceDM1403_228x299

A successful juicer gives the nutrients to themselves without second guessing it. Not only do they deeply care about their own life they give to others freely without thinking about it. It’s what makes them… them!

In fact many of the most successful juicers I’ve met have made it their life purpose to give. It’s like they’ve come to this planet just to lift other people up.

There is no greater exercise in life, then reaching down and lifting other people up!

7) The Understanding Juicer

The most effective juicers are the ones that listen with an empathetic heart.

When you really tune into your intuitive nature you will be able to listen to your body and what juicing ingredients you should have that day. Also, if you don’t have a juice you will really start to feel it. Have you ever craved juice? I know I have!

With people, it’s similar; when we have an open mind and gentle heart, people will feel more comfortable sharing themselves.

So now that we’ve talked about the 7 Habits Of Highly Successful Juicers, it’s time for you to pick one…

1) Juicing A Grand Purpose

2) The Proactive Juicer

3) Why Juice?

4) Juice Up Your “You” Love

5) Synergize The Ingredients Of Juice

6) The Giving Juice

7) Understanding Your Juice

Work diligently on each one of these and overtime your life will change. If you would love our help at Fitlife feel free to check out this educational presentation on a program I’ve dedicated a lot of time to. It could be the very thing you need to propel you into a much juicer life!