Stay Clam, Trust God

Stay Clam, Trust God

A couple of weeks ago , our pastor spoke on this subject. After processing what was said. One thing came to mind “easier said then done”. With all that life gives us, because everyday is gift from God, someone did not wake today. God has given us life and we ask for life more abundantly.

Why stay calm? We’re taught to be bold, to fight the good fight of faith. The opposite of faith is fear. Spending time in my prayer closet (I’ll have to write about my prayer closet soon) I have one simple reason… It’s easy. The opposite of calm is angry, furious, raging, tempestuous, wild (all actions that could use energy in an unnecessary fashion). When I stay calm I can hear, and listen. In fact, if you rearrange the words listen it will spell “silent”.

In proverbs it speaks in many section of gaining wisdom which gives you understanding. When we trust in God, despite what I see or what I hear. I know he will come through. When we became Christians, we were forgiven of our sins, placing us in a calm state. The enemy only brings it up to put us off track since that’s the only thing it can do (bring up old stuff) unless we allow ourselves to get off path. Yet God is sooo good that in the New Testament, under a new covenant, he says “ No condemnation to those who are in Christ”.

If you can’t trust that, who can you trust. So don’t worry, and stay calm