We become what we THINK about most of the time

We become what we THINK about most of the time

by Elliot Hulse of Hulsestrength.com

All men of discernment would agree that… Our outer lives are a mirror reflection of our inner lives; or we become what we THINK about most of the time.

This fact has been repeated by men of wisdom for countless generations.  Jesus constantly scolded his students reciting, “Oh ye of little faith!”, every time they considered outer appearances and circumstances rather than their (and our) divine capacity to see God’s reality broadcast live directly into our very cells of existence via the most complex satellite dish ever created… The Brain.

Before I describe my position on brain conditioning and mental reprogramming for the purpose of fulfilling our TRUE life’s potential and bringing our Ideal into full existence, I will relay my convictions and position on the ever debatable topic of, God and The Station of Man.

What Is God and Who Are We?

God is Omnipresent, meaning that He is everywhere at once… not limited by time or space.   From the tiniest, most microscopic electron to the largest most magnificent and complex galaxies in the universe, EVERYTHING is infused with the esoteric power which I am referring to as God.

Because I am referring to this entity as “God” does not meant I am attached to names or forms any more than a nursing baby refers to her source of life as “Mama”or “Baba” (I’ve got a 1 year old at home).  If the name Mommy was preferred over Mama, it would have zero effect on the entity that gives life… it still exists and is not only the Creator but the Sustainer of vitality for the baby.   Call It what you will, but understand that our existence is intrinsically tied to It… It is us and we are It.

To further elaborate, as ridiculous as it would be for a fish to deny the existence of water would be for man to deny the existence of God.  Fish can not SEE the water, in fact there would be very little reason for fish to consider the existence of water, since for most of its life the water is in them and all around the fish.  It’s the life giver, sustainer and provider of life for the fish.  The only way the fish might know that water exists is if he is removed from it.

Because the entity which I describe as God is “closer to us than our life vein.”, it is very easy to take it for granted.  But the fact is that we are surrounded by God in the same fashion that the fish is surrounded by water, and we are constantly communicating with our Source and He is constantly responding (whether we’re satisfied with the response or not).  He knows what we need and want even before we can verbalize it.

To observe God and study his pattens, or to immerse yourself in the reading and research of “Wisdom Literature”, as can be found in several ancient texts including The Bible, will give you a better understanding of the Principles and Laws that govern our lives and the universe.

This, in my opinion is the most essential of all studies we can undertake.  As Albert Einstein propounded, “I want to know the mind of God, everything else it just details”, it is clear that this is the SCIENCE of life.  (everything else is just details)

As for “The Station Of Man”… well, we’re pretty cool! — You see, unlike the plants and animals who are governed by instinct and have a genetic blueprint for the pattern of their lives, we can choose. As we are “made in the likeness and image of God”, we are not only Creatures… we are Creators.  Our capacity to choose and create is bestowed by the direct communication with God that we have been granted through the spirit and into our bodies via The Brain (and nervous system).

The brain acts as a switching station that translates communication received from God and the spirit world, as well as a means of relaying our wishes and desires back to God and the spirit world. We benefit from listening to God because He wrote all of the rules to this game we are playing called Life.  When we listen to God, it’s like having the creator of the game and a coach that wants to see you win, all wrapped up in one, sitting by your side and constantly giving you tips and course corrections.

How do you know when your Cosmic Coach is talking to you?  — You FEEL it in your body!

How To Hear God Talking To You

Our nervous system and hormones shift to produce a contortion or feeling in our body that is consistent with the message being received from the spirit.  This explains why some people feel neck pain or clench their jaw when they experience repressive stress… the nerve bundle, called a vortex, that projects from the spinal chord into the neck, shoulders, and jaw is connected to an area in the brain or nervous system that is associated with creative communication and expression.

Your body has several of these “vortexes” and each acts as a messenger to the body with communication from your spirit or God,  each one associated with a particular feeling or emotion.  Another example is low back pain; the nerve vortex located in the low back and legs are associated with feelings of safety and security.  When our safety is challenged (which it is every day via fear mongering expressed on the TV and media) this nerve bundle will TELL you by restricting the positive and vital energies to that area… creating back pain that not even your surgeon can explain.

The most obvious “holler” that God shouts in our direction is that of Depression.  We all feel depressed at times and this is normal and natural.  But sustained depression in most cases can be traced back to one of 2 things that God is trying to relay to us.  First, consider that you may NOT be doing a thing that you know you should be doing –OR– you may be DOING a thing that you feel you shouldn’t be doing.  Examples of these could be anything from telling a friend the truth about his new girlfriend, to continuing in a job that you hate.

It is though “feeling” or intuition that God talks to us… not with some deep voice projected over a cosmic loud speaker when you are down on your knees reciting some sad, pathetic prayer.  The problem is that most of us have been numbed from these “feelings” due to: ignoring them for so long that they’ve grown faint, and being “high” on pain pills, SSRI medication, alcohol, drugs and caffeine.   Our communication systems are JAMMED!

The wonderful thing is that we can ALWAYS choose to become more receptive to the voice of God, and when we do we’ll once again have the creator of the game and coach that wants you to win guiding your every step.

How Do We Talk To God?

Whether you know it or not, you are constantly giving God feedback and demands via your thoughts.  One of the responsibilities that comes with our ability to choose is that God is pretty neural about your decisions.  He gives you warnings and advice about how to proceed in different circumstances but once you have launched a particular action (and thoughts are action) the steadfast rules will always apply.

Just like if you jump out of the 12th story window of an office building the LAW of gravity dictates that you WILL hit the ground… and hard!  — the law of “Sowing & Reaping” dictates that whatever you give, you will receive in equal fashion.  The only difference is that the law of gravity is immediate and obvious and the law of Sowing and Reaping (or The Law of Attraction) takes time to manifest… but, manifest it will!

So, if we are constantly communicating with God via thoughts the we SOW and he is ALWAYS prepared to answer, wouldn’t make sense that we should only THINK thoughts that are consistent with what we believe to be right and good?  Why then would we CHOOSE to focus our thoughts on fear, anxiety, doom and lack?

The answer is that we have been CONDITIONED to focus on fear.  If you pay attention to the Outer World (popular culture and media) you will be bombarded with messages convincing you that ” you don’t have enough”, “things are bad and only going to get worse”, “you should be worried for your children”, “you should be scared about the economy”, “you need to be afraid for your health.”

Fear is a powerful control mechanism, and world leaders, governments and marketers understand this.  The cry, “Something MUST be done about this!” is music to the ears of those who seek to control you.  Just look at all of the personal rights and liberties that were silently stripped from us post 9/11.  We (Americans) were scared and “something had to be done!”… and things aren’t much different now that “something must be done about the economy”.

We live in a fear-based world that is trying to control us with fear.  This is why it is ever so important to GUARD YOUR MENTAL INTEGRITY!  The first step in eliminating fearful and demeaning thought is to eliminate its source, and for most of us it means turning off the TV and stop talking with negative people.

If you don’t guard your mind from allowing those negative thoughts into your consciousness then you WILL be SOWING the very seeds of your deepest fears… and the God who has given us choices and responsibility will respond  by giving your EXACTLY what you are asking him for.

The next step is to consciously and purposefully plant positive seeds in your mental garden.  This is done in the from of Prayer, Mediation, Affirmation and Visualization.

As I’ve run out of mental gas — I will continue next time with the exact methods that I use to Guard My Mind and the consciously plant positive seeds so as to communicate and receive from God everything that I know to be right and good.