By Dr. Mike
Rapid fat loss has always been a topic that interests me. Initially, I think that I was attracted to the idea because it was very polarizing. One group of people, the traditional/institutional/science folk, would tell you that losing weight too fast is dangerous and bad for your health. The other group of people, marketers/sales folks, would tell you that you can lose as much weight as you want (see image below). But, they were either lying through their teeth OR the methods they proposed were actually dangerous to your health. I always thought that there had to be a different approach. Something that wasn’t bad for your health – that actually worked.
At the most basic (but not optimal) level, weight loss is about burning more than you take in – right? So where could things become dangerous? We know that athletes can burn an insane amount of calories each day without detrimental health effects. It isn’t like once you burn 3,000 calories in one day your body starts to fall apart. So the “calories out” part of weight loss = calories in – calories out equation wasn’t the unsafe part.
1. Intensity over Duration –
One of the overarching themes of rapid fat loss is preventing adaptation. When your body adapts, it becomes more efficient and burns less calories. Adaption occurs with lower intensity exercise. Running a mile becomes easy after a while. Doing max incline treadmill interval sprints never becomes easy. (Almost) Always choose shorter duration/higher intensity exercise over longer duration/lower intensity work (Tweet This). To be completely honest, most people don’t want to work harder. They would rather grind it out on a treadmill for 60-90 minutes at a low intensity instead of doing intense barbell complexes for 15 minutes and being done with it. High intensity exercise gives you a molecular advantage as well. Bill Hartman, PT owner of I-FAST in Indianapolis, Indiana points out, “High intensity exercise improves both aerobic and anaerobic energy production, resulting in increased mitochondria [the energy powerhouses of your cells]. This effect does top out quickly, usually in 3-4 weeks. When you start working above your anaerobic threshold, you also get a cascade of hormones that can promote fat loss.” In the world we live in today, most of us are pressed for time and are looking for a faster, more effective way to get things done. When it comes to fat loss, crank up the intensity, reduce the duration, and reap the benefits (Tweet This).
2. Keep Your Carbs Low – There are a lot of ways to lose weight. You can just count calories, create a calorie deficient, and lose weight – that works. But it isn’t the best method. When it comes to rapid fat loss, we are looking for the best way, the optimal way for you to lose the most amount of fat in the shortest amount of time. Cutting your carbs (notice I said cutting, not completely eliminating) is an essential strategy to do this. Lower carbohydrate diets are the best way to lose more fat in a short period of time because they create a hormonal landscape that is more conducive to fat loss compared to a traditional higher carbohydrate/calorie restricted approach. The main hormone that is optimized for fat loss with carbohydrate restriction is insulin. Insulin is your hormonal gatekeeper when it comes to fat loss, as it directly inhibits the mobilization (often called burning) of fat stored in fat cells. The most potent simulators of insulin are carbohydrates. Keeping the total carbohydrates in your diet low leads to less insulin being released throughout the day and thus greater metabolic ease (‘metabolic ease’ is definitely not a scientific term, but it conveys the point pretty well) of fat loss. The pairing of weight training with a low-carbohydrate diet is the best way to maximize your fat loss. A University of Connecticut study compared low-fat diets against low-carbohydrate diets when combined with weight training. After 12 weeks, the low-fat diet group lost an average of 7.7 pounds of body fat, while the low-carb diet group melted off an average of 17 pounds. It is also important to note that the low-carb + weight training group was able to hold onto more muscle than the low-fat diet group. Weight training goes a long way in helping you maintain your muscle mass while dieting, but carbohydrate restriction seems to give you an extra edge in that department as well.
As a general rule, the more fat you have to lose, the less carbohydrates you should eat (Tweet This). As your calorie intake gets lower, you should also shift away from eating high carbohydrate dense foods (rice, potatoes, etc), opting for lower carbohydrate dense foods (green vegetables, berries, etc). This allows you to keep the volume of food that you are eating up (so you don’t feel like you are eating from the Kid’s Menu) despite the caloric value of your food being lower than normal.
3. Keep it Short – Rapid fat loss is a sprint (and not just literally in the gym) and you can’t sprint forever. When you are setting a rapid fat loss goal, it should be short (4-6 weeks) with a finite deadline. Make it short enough that you can go all out and long enough that you can see measurable results. 2 weeks is too short, 4 weeks is good, 6 weeks would only be for people with a high level of fitness that are willing to purposefully dedicate time to recovery (most are willing to do this). It is my assertion that in order to really be successful with rapid fat loss, you need to push your body to a period of overreaching. You may have heard of overtraining, which is a negative situation in which the total stress load on your body is too much (e.g. life, work, diet, training stress) and this results in decreases in strength, immune function, and negative impacts on mood. We want to avoid this. Overreaching is sort of planned and controlled overtraining. Overreaching uses the accumulation of stresses on your body to force your body to grow and adapt. An old adage in pharmacology is the dose makes the poison. The same is true with rapid fat loss. You need to create a lot of metabolic stress to force your metabolism to respond but not so much that is causes your body to freak out, go into survival mode, and start conserving calories. Keep your rapid fat loss program short so that you can control the ‘stress dose’ to maximize your results.
My morning supplements (Fall 2012)