4 Secrets to Naturally Increase Testosterone

4 Secrets to Naturally Increase Testosterone

  • Secret #1: Take more vitamin D.

    Most scientists and doctors agree that”free testosterone” is the only form of the hormone that matters because it’s free to move around the body and repair tissue. Vitamin D helps “free” the testosterone in your body that’s bound to proteins. The problem: we don’t consume enough vitamin D. Consume 3,000 IU upon rising and before bed.

  • Secret #2: Take 2 cold showers a day.

    Your testosterone levels are highest between 4am-6am in the morning. Taking a cold shower at night before bed will help you sleep, but also help you naturally enhance your testosterone levels. Do the same upon rising to wake up but get your T levels boosted. Have the shower last for 10 minutes both in the morning and at night. And keep it as cold as possible.

  • Secret #3: Avoid plastics.

    Plastics contain chemical estrogens that raise your body’s estrogen levels, which then lower your testosterone levels. Avoid carrying your water in plastic bottles and your food in plastic containers.

  • Secret #4 – Take mini-vacations.

    This isn’t talked about very often, but stress is one of the greatest inhibitors of testosterone because it results in the release of cortisol in your body. One of the way to measure testosterone is in relation to cortisol. If your cortisol is high, your testosterone can’t be. It’s important to de-stress once a month. Get out in nature, get off the computer, and unplug.