Is there really such a thing as “negative calorie” foods?

Q Is there really such a thing as “negative calorie” foods?
A Your body burns calories by digesting food, just as it does by maintaining many other biological and bodily functions. This is the concept behind the idea of “negative calorie” foods. The idea that there are negative calorie foods—foods that are so low in calories that simply digesting them burns more calories than they contain—is a popular theory. Certain low-calorie (and often water-rich) foods like celery or cucumbers are often touted as examples of negative calorie foods, but this concept is wishful thinking. There is no such thing as a negative-calorie food.

Digesting and absorbing food uses about 10% of your total calorie intake. For someone eating 1500-1800 calories daily, for example, only 150-180 calories are expended to completely digest and absorb EVERYTHING you eat in a day.

It is great to include low calorie, high fiber, and water-rich foods in your daily diet. These foods add nutrients, bulk, and volume to your diet, but they still contain calories and should always be included in your calorie count. No food is a “free” food; eating too much of any food can cause weight gain or inhibit weight loss.

Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian