
Breaking the Silence: June is Men’s Mental Health

Constantinos Simaioforidis on LinkedIn: Men's Mental Health Awareness Month  is a reminder that strength includes…

Breaking the Silence: Tips for Men’s Mental Health

For too long, mental health has been seen as a taboo topic, especially among men. The stigma and pressure to “tough it out” has prevented many from getting the support they need. But the reality is, we all face struggles with our mental well-being at times. It’s part of being human.

This June, in recognition of Men’s Mental Health Month, it’s time to start an open and honest conversation. Mental health issues don’t make a man weak or less masculine. Pushing through depression, anxiety, trauma or other challenges alone takes an immense amount of strength that often goes unnoticed. But no one should have to suffer in silence.

The latest statistics show just how critical this issue is for men:

– Men die by suicide at a rate 3.63x higher than females, making up nearly 80% of all suicide deaths in the U.S.
– Men aged 35-64 account for the highest rate of suicide across all demographics
– Over 6 million men in America battle depression each year
– Men are less likely than women to seek mental health treatment, largely due to societal stigma

These numbers are tragic and unacceptable. The very essence of masculinity – the ability to persevere through adversity, protect loved ones, and serve humanity – is undermined when men can’t prioritize their own well-being. It’s imperative to break this cycle.

This month, and every month, we need to shatter the taboo around men’s mental health. Whether you’re silently struggling yourself or have men in your life who appear to be, here are some tips to start prioritizing mental fitness:

1) Acknowledge Your Feelings
The first step is to get comfortable accepting and labeling your emotions, even the uncomfortable ones like sadness, anger or hopelessness. Don’t judge what you feel – simply observe it with self-compassion. Name it, feel it, then let it pass. Naming emotions takes away their power over you.

2) Talk It Out
Whether it’s with a close friend, family member, counselor or support group, get in the habit of openly discussing what’s on your mind. Keeping everything bottled up leads to an inevitable breaking point. Find trustworthy listeners who make you feel heard and validated without judgement.

3) Dismantle The Stigma
Change starts when we challenge the problematic cultural narratives that punish vulnerability and uplift false bravado. Call out jokes or language that mock men for showing emotion. Have the courage to walk away from situations or relationships that make you feel “less than” for prioritizing mental health.

4) Take a Holistic Approach
Mental health is interconnected with physical, social, and spiritual health. Focus on nourishing your whole self through nutritious eating, exercise, quality sleep, strong relationships, and practices that feed your soul like meditation, nature immersion or faith communities. Your brain is deeply impacted by lifestyle factors.

5) Seek Professional Support When Needed
Just as you’d see a doctor for physical injury or illness, think of therapists, counselors and psychologists as experts trained to help you recover emotional wellbeing. There’s no shame in getting skilled support. It’s actually one of the bravest acts of self-care. Asking for help isn’t weakness – it’s wisdom.

6) Be a Mental Health Ally
Even if you’re in a good place yourself, know the signs that a man you care about might need intervention – withdrawal, increased anger or substance abuse, references to feeling hopeless, etc. Express concern, listen without judgement and help connect them to resources.

This June, let’s celebrate and champion vulnerable, courageous masculinity. Breaking the cycle of suffering in silence will create a legacy of stronger men – and in turn stronger families, communities and society. True strength is prioritizing our mental well-being. Let that be our definition of what it means to be a man.


With Love… Man to Man.

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“Purposeful Living: Chatting about Life’s Beautiful Intentions”

GIF by Next Level Chef


Hey there! Let’s dive into a conversation about living life on purpose. You know, that beautiful journey where every action has a positive intention behind it? I’ve been pondering how, just like kids with their contagious enthusiasm, we can infuse purpose into every aspect of our lives.

The Purposeful Actions of Children:

Remember those kiddos we used to watch play at the park? It’s incredible how, even in their mischief, there was always a purpose—like the little one sharing toys to build connections or the tantrums expressing a need for attention. It got me thinking, as adults, are we tapping into that same sense of purpose in our daily lives?

The Adult Paradox:

Life’s gotten a bit complicated since our playground days, hasn’t it? But here’s the thing: we can still find that childlike wonder and live with intention. Instead of getting lost in the hustle, let’s pause and ask ourselves if we’re truly aligned with our goals and values.

Living on Purpose vs. Living with Purpose:

Imagine shaping our lives intentionally, making choices that make us feel alive! That’s living on purpose. And then, there’s living with purpose—contributing to something greater than ourselves. How about we explore both and make this journey a vibrant, purpose-filled one?

5 Steps to Live on Purpose:

First up, let’s reflect on our values. What really matters to us? Setting clear goals that resonate with those values is like giving our lives a roadmap. And hey, mindful decision-making is the GPS that keeps us on track!

  1. Reflect on Your Values: Begin by introspectively examining your core values. What principles guide your decisions and actions? Identifying and understanding these values will serve as a compass for living on purpose.
  2. Set Clear Goals: Define your short-term and long-term goals. These goals should resonate with your values and contribute to your overall sense of purpose. Having a clear vision will give your actions direction and meaning.
  3. Mindful Decision-Making: Practice mindfulness in your daily decision-making. Consider the impact of your choices on yourself and others. Ensure that each decision aligns with your values and moves you closer to your goals.
  4. Embrace Growth and Learning: Cultivate a mindset of continuous growth and learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities for development, and seek knowledge that aligns with your purpose. Personal growth is a key element of living on purpose.
  5. Cultivate Gratitude: Appreciate the present moment and express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life. Gratitude fosters a positive mindset and enhances your ability to live on purpose by acknowledging the meaningful aspects of your journey.

Living IN Purpose:

Now, let’s turn up the positivity! Connecting with others? That’s our secret sauce for a fulfilling life. Volunteering for a cause we believe in? It’s like sprinkling magic dust of purpose everywhere we go.

  1. Connect with Others: Build meaningful connections with those around you. Whether it’s family, friends, or community, contributing to the well-being of others fosters a sense of purpose that transcends individual achievements.
  2. Volunteer and Give Back: Channel your time and energy into activities that benefit others. Volunteering for a cause you believe in not only makes a positive impact but also provides a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  3. Advocate for Positive Change: Use your voice to advocate for positive change in your community or beyond. Standing up for what you believe in and contributing to the betterment of society aligns your actions with a greater purpose.
  4. Be a Lifelong Learner: Stay informed about global issues and challenges. A deep understanding of the world allows you to contribute meaningfully to causes that resonate with your values, reinforcing the concept of living in purpose.
  5. Foster a Legacy: Consider the lasting impact you want to leave on the world. What legacy do you want to create? By actively contributing to the well-being of future generations, you anchor your life in a purpose that extends beyond your individual existence.

Let’s celebrate the optimism in every intentional step we take. Our journey is a canvas waiting for strokes of positivity and purpose, and together, we’re painting a masterpiece of a life well-lived. Cheers to living with intention, finding purpose in every moment, and embracing the joyous adventure ahead!


Be Well…

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Uncover the Mysteries of Emotional Energetics: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation ✨

Happy GIF by Peloton

Have you ever taken a moment to notice the curious connection between your emotional state and your physical well-being? It’s something I find quite intriguing.

There are times when I wake up, and my body seems to lack definition, almost as if it’s responding to the emotional overwhelm I might be feeling. However, I’ve discovered a fascinating phenomenon that I often refer to as “energetics.” It’s all about how our feelings or vibrations impact us through frequencies.

For instance, when I focus on happiness and gratitude and then connect with someone, it has the power to alter their state, either locally in a specific region of their body or globally across their entire being. It’s incredible to witness the transformative effects, especially in the realm of healing, where the frequencies of love and compassion yield remarkably different and impressive results.

Conversely, if I’m grappling with stress and overwhelm and share a hug, I realize that I’m transferring those emotions. While I may experience relief, the person on the receiving end now has to navigate through a more complicated day, needing to rediscover their center.

And here’s something truly fascinating – the emotional influence isn’t confined to physical proximity. Thanks to the theory of quantum entanglement, even loved ones far away can impact our emotional state. It’s a captivating realization that our feelings can be subject to people who aren’t anywhere near us.

Instead of merely thinking or talking about your emotions, consider the art of observation. And if it resonates with your belief system, there’s a profound effect in surrendering emotional overwhelm to a higher power.


In the name of Jesus, surrender and observe the beautiful transformation that unfolds.


Wishing you a day filled with beauty and grace.


Be Well…

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Do You Need To Boo Boo? Let ish Go?

Let It Go Relax GIF by Peloton


By. Mr.J’ean

My friend Alex had been having a tough time at work. They were frustrated, overwhelmed, and seemed to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. One day, before meeting up with me, they were in a particularly irritated mood.
As our meeting began, I noticed that Alex’s irritability was palpable. They seemed ready to explode with frustration, and I could sense that they were on the verge of unleashing their anger on anyone who crossed their path. However, I didn’t want our time together to be overshadowed by stress and negativity.
In a moment of quick wit, I looked at Alex and jokingly asked, “Hey, do you need to boo-boo and let things go?” It was a silly reference to a funny children’s movie we had both enjoyed in the past. Surprisingly, Alex let out a big laugh in response.
Amidst the laughter, something began to change. Alex’s façade of frustration cracked, revealing the vulnerability beneath. Tears welled up in their eyes. “You’re right,” they said softly, their voice filled with a mix of relief, sadness, and gratitude. “I really need to let go of all this stress, even if it feels so overwhelming.”
We sat there, embracing a moment of shared understanding. I reassured them that it was okay to feel overwhelmed and frustrated, but bottling up those emotions would only harm them in the long run. We talked about strategies to cope with work-related stress, such as taking breaks, seeking support, and finding healthy outlets for releasing emotions.
In that transformative encounter, our friendship grew even stronger. Alex realized that they didn’t have to bear the weight of their work frustrations alone and that talking about their struggles could sometimes be a catalyst for healing. From then on, we became constant pillars of support for each other, helping one another navigate the ups and downs of life.
And so, in that light-hearted moment of humor and empathy, Alex found the strength to let go of their frustrations and embrace a more balanced and peaceful state of mind. We learned that sometimes, all it takes is a friend and a well-timed joke to help you see things from a different perspective and find comfort in the midst of chaos.

Do You Need To Boo Boo? Let ish Go? Read More »

Starting Life Over At ___


90 Day Fiance Hea GIF by TLC

By Mr. J’ean

I’ve been through many phases in this whole “starting life over at __” process. As I look over them, I can see just how valuable each phase has been for me. Each phase has been a stepping stone of its own magnitude and even though some were so small that they weren’t noticeable until well after the fact, they still provided an incredible learning experience. I’ve found the trick was, I needed to be paying attention to these, otherwise the lesson would have just passed me by and I’d be none the wiser.

Learning to have an open mind about just what exactly my journey is meant to be has been a very important phase for me. I came from the mentality of wanting something “right now” as opposed to the more realistic view that I’ve been able to learn to have, which is that the journey is what is important here. The journey is where the lessons are, achieving the goals are the cherry on top of my sundae.

I find that I need this reminder from time to time when feelings of frustration are starting to set in. It’s hard to continually be happy and positive, especially when I don’t feel like being happy and positive. There are so many things I could use to “make” myself be moody and crabby and negative. I’m not at my running goal for speed yet, I’m not at my goal weight yet, my other half is on the other side of the world from me, money is tight…the list could go on.

One of my cherished phases I’ve gone through is learning to have the ability to take every one of those above listed things and tweak it so it sits in my mind in a way that sees it as a positive. I’m not at my running goal yet, but I’m so much closer to it than I was just 3 months ago. I’m not at my goal weight yet, but because of my efforts to get to that goal weight I am now eating healthier than I have ever eaten and physically feel strong and healthy. My other half is on the other side of the world, but he will be home soon and in the meantime we grow closer and closer through our words and creative actions we come up with to make it all work. Money is tight right now, but it has forced me to stick closely to a budget and has also shown me needless spending in the past.

The challenge is to take one thing you see as a negative, tweak it and see it as a positive. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. Living in a positive mindset has been one of the most freeing phases I’ve had the pleasure of going through. Doesn’t mean I don’t teeter from time to time, but finding that established ability to pull myself out is a must-have for us all.

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