
Measure Progress Without the Scale

An Arsenal of Tools for Your Motivation

— By Liz Noelcke, Staff Writer

Whichever you choose, these emotions are enemies of people trying to lose weight—especially when you feel like you have done everything right. For many trying to shed pounds, the elation from that initial weight loss is brought to a screeching halt when the scale stops moving. But instead of viewing this as a setback, look for other ways to measure your progress besides the scale. After all, good health isn’t always measured in pounds.

Losing weight usually involves a relatively simple calorie equation: burn off more calories with daily activity than you consume through food. So what happens when these numbers indicate progress, but the scale doesn’t? Before the aggravation sets in, consider why this might be the case. If you’ve been hitting the gym on a regular basis, participating in both cardiovascular and strengthening exercises, then chances are good that you have shed some fat. But the scale might not indicate this because you have also been building lean muscle. Since muscle is dense (a small volume of muscle weighs more than the same volume of fat), the scale might not reflect your hard work.

4 Non-Scale Signs of Progress
1. See results by taking a trip to your very own closet. Take out a pair of pants that fit snugly before you began your new, healthy habits. Are you able to ease into them, when before you had to sit (or lie) down and yank them up your legs? This is a sure sign of progress toward a leaner you! What about an old shirt? Is it now a little loose around your waist or arms? Also look for improved muscle definition when you check out your body in the mirror. There are many everyday indicators that you are firming up your body, from how your clothes fit to sitting more comfortably in a booth or small chair.

2. Aside from weight, use other numerical signs of progress. When you first start your program, take measurements of your waist, arms, neck and hips. Even if you are not losing pounds, you very well may be losing inches all over your body as your figure slims down and tones up with muscles. Measuring your body is more reliable than the scale alone. Other numerical indicators include a reduction of blood pressure or cholesterol, heart rate, and body fat percentage.

3. Monitor how a healthy diet and regular exercise affects your energy levels. Not only will you be able to work out for longer intervals of time, but everyday chores will also become easier. Whether cutting the grass or simply walking up the stairs, these behaviors will come effortlessly. Think of all the daily activities you could use more energy for—grocery shopping, house cleaning, playing with your kids, and more. Pretty soon you’ll be training for your first 5K!

4. Lastly, be conscious of how you feel emotionally. You’ve been working hard to reach your goals. Hopefully, the hard work will come with a boost in self-esteem, confidence, and happiness. Are you beginning to feel more comfortable in your own body? Work to build a positive vocabulary to stay motivated.

Just because the scale has stopped moving doesn’t mean that you’ve hit a plateau in reaching your goals. Don’t give up out of frustration—all healthy behaviors are well worth the effort. Whether it’s better sleep at night or more energy throughout the day, start listening to the signs your body gives you that all of your hard work is paying off!

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5 Fast-Food Fixes

Restaurants have hidden menus – you know stuff they will make for you if you know to ask and know how to ask for it.  I have been lurking around the counters to find some options that are healthier than some of the standard menu goods.

After you review these 5 Fast-Food Fixes you will walk in and order like you have X-ray goggles on and get exactly what you want without all the junk.

Here We Go… 5 Fast-Food Fixes They Don’t Want You To Know About.

Starbucks – Order A “Short” Drink

You can request the local barrista to make you a “short” 8-ounce cup of your favourite Starbuck’s brew.  This means BIG calorie savings and a few pennies savings too.  A grande white chocolate mocha, for example has 400 calories, that is the equivalent of about three Starbucks double fudge mini donuts.  The short has half that amount.

Red Robbin – Get The “Petite” Burger

This small burger was removed from the menu years ago, but the kitchen still makes if if you ask and it has about half the calories of the standard 931 calorie cheese burger.  If you’re embarrassed and feel silly about ordering a “petite” burger, just as for the small one, they know what you’re talking about.

Chipotle – Custom Tacos… Yes!

They’ll make combos that aren’t on the menu, so as for 3 crispy tacos with black beans, fajita veggies, tomatoe salsa and lettuce.  That saves you 615 calories and 28 grams of fat over a chicken burrito wtih black beans, rice, green salsa, cheese and sour cream.

Subway – 6 Inch Marinara… Hold The Meatballs

Don’t worry I am NOT getting rid of the protein.  The meatball sub tastes great but costs you 580 calories and 23 grams of fat.  If they swap the meatballs for roasted chicken you save 260 calories, and 19 grams of fat.  Top this one with oregano and a few black olives.  Jared would approve.

IHOP – Real Fruit On Top

Many of the menu’s pancakes and waffles come with “fruit topping” meaning some real fruit may be added to thick gooey syrup with artificial (fake) flavours and extra sugar drowning in calories on top of useless calories.  You can do better; IHOP can do better, since there is usually fresh fruit in the kitchen.  Order a short stack of buttermilk pancakes, and ask them to top it with whatever fresh fruit is available.  Every meal at IHOP will be a taste sensation surprise and save you anywhere from 200-900 calories.

So there you have it.  My 5 Fast-Food fixes that will give you all the flavour you are after, less of the calories and none of the extra cardio required.

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18 Best Supplements for Men

The right supplements can help your heart, sharpen your immune system, and even improve your sex life. The wrong ones, however, can be ineffective or even harmful. “You run into problems because most men are ‘prescribing’ these things themselves,” says Tod Cooperman, M.D., president of, an independent tester of health and nutritional products. “Don’t take supplements with abandon. They should be used carefully, because taking in too much of certain nutrients can cause problems.”

We consulted with top doctors, reviewed the latest research, and waded through marketers’ claims to bring you 18 of the best supplements for men. Use our guide—along with advice from your own doc, since many supplements can interact with other medications—to fine-tune your strategy.

Acetyl L-Carnitine

Problem: Brain drain

This amino acid converts fats to energy and boosts antioxidant activity in the body. In supplement form, it may protect gray matter from stress caused by alcohol and aging. And in a 2006 study, people who received 1,000 milligrams (mg) of acetyl L-carnitine a day saw relief from mild chronic depression.

Dose: 1,000 mg/day / Natural sources: Red meat, dairy products

Korean Red Panax Ginseng

Problem: Erectile dysfunction

Sixty percent of men with erectile dysfunction who took this supplement noticed improvement, according to a 2002 Korean study. The herb may also protect your heart—in a recent Canadian study, a daily dose reduced arterial stiffness.

Dose: 900 mg, up to three times a day / Natural sources: Korean ginseng root

Coenzyme Q-10

Problem: High blood pressure

CoQ-10 can lower your blood pressure while boosting your levels of ecSOD, an enzyme thought to protect blood vessels from damage. CoQ-10 may also improve sperm quality, Italian researchers say. Japanese researchers found it can increase fat burning during exercise.

Dose: 30 to 200 mg/day / Natural sources: Meat and fish, eggs, broccoli

Vitamin D

Problem: Bone weakness

Vitamin D is a hormone that helps your bones absorb calcium. That’s a critical benefit, but there’s also a steady stream of other compelling reasons to take it, Dr. Cooperman says. For instance, Vitamin D has been linked to reduced levels of depression, reduced risk of colorectal cancer, and less chance of a heart attack.

Dose: 1,000 IU Vitamin D/day / Natural sources: Sunshine, fortified milk

Fish Oil

Problem: Heart disease

Loaded with the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, fish oil can reduce triglycerides, boost HDL cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. But your heart isn’t the only beneficiary: The healthy fats may also reduce inflammation and improve cognitive performance, and may lower your risk of colon and prostate cancers.

Dose: At least 500 mg DHA and 500 mg EPA daily / Natural Sources: Salmon, tuna, or other fatty fish


Problem: Migraines

A drop in magnesium can be a major headache. “Blood vessels in your brain constrict, and receptors in the feel-good chemical serotonin malfunction,” says Alexander Mauskop, M.D., director of the New York Headache Center. Result: a migraine. The mineral also might help regulate blood pressure and could ward off stroke and diabetes.

Dose: 250 mg/day, plus the magnesium in your diet / Natural Sources: Leafy greens, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, coffee, nuts

Psyllium Husk

Problem: Diabetes

This fiber is more than a colon clearer. In a recent Finnish study, the addition of psyllium to meals reduced participants’ blood sugar and insulin response. Paired with protein, it was also shown to suppress ghrelin, a hormone that makes you hungry. Psyllium is one of five soluble fibers approved by the FDA for lowering LDL cholesterol.

Dose: 20 to 35 g/day, divided and taken with at least 8 oz liquid / Natural Sources: Some fortified cereal grains

Problem: Upset stomach

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that crowd out the disease-causing bad bacteria in your gut. Some can reduce diarrhea caused by certain infections, antibiotics, chemotherapy, and irritable bowel syndrome, Dr. Cooperman notes. The encapsulated good guys may also boost your immune function.

Dose: 1 capsule (with at least 1 billion bacteria) a day /
Natural sources: Yogurt, kefir, and other dairy products


Problem: Low endurance

Want to extend your cardio session? People who didn’t exercise regularly but took 500 mg of this antioxidant twice a day for a week were able to bicycle 13 percent longer than the placebo group, a University of South Carolina study found. It may help reduce the oxidation of LDL particles and reduce blood-vessel constriction.

Dose: Up to 500 mg, twice a day / Natural Sources: Red wine, parsley, grapefruit, onions, apples


Problem: Poor memory

This supplement’s antioxidants fight free-radical stress in your brain and stop the degradation of nitric oxide, which preserves neural connections. In a recent Australian study, it improved memory in elderly people. Pycnogenol also supports better bloodflow, which helps fight joint pain and reduce muscle cramps.

Dose: 150 mg/day / Natural sources: Pine bark


Problem: Joint pain

Glucosamine, a building block of cartilage, can relieve pain and inflammation in joints, says Nicholas DiNubile, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon. In fact, a recent study found glucosamine is more effective than acetaminophen (a.k.a. Tylenol) at relieving symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, often caused in younger men by joint injury.

Dose: 1,500 mg glucosamine/day / Natural sources: Crustacean shells

Vitamin C

Problem: Injury

Sixty percent of adult men don’t get enough vitamin C in their diets, according to an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study. Vitamin C helps protect your cells from the tissue-damaging free radicals produced by exercise. It also helps heal wounds, and it’s key to production of the collagen found in ligaments and tendons.

Dose: Up to 1,000 mg/day in spaced doses / Natural sources: Citrus fruits, sweet peppers, broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts


Problem: Extra body fat

Men who took green-tea extract burned 17 percent more fat after moderate exercise than those taking placebos, according to one study. EGCG, the most active antioxidant in green tea, is thought to prolong exercise-induced boosts in metabolism. It has also been shown to help prevent cancer and can improve heart health.

Dose: 890 mg/day green tea extract (containing 340 mg of EGCG) / Natural sources: Green tea


Problem: Prostate-cancer risk

Found in tomatoes, this potent antioxidant may reduce your risk of prostate cancer, according to a recent University of Illinois study review. The researchers say it may work by altering hormone metabolism and by causing cancer cells to self-destruct.

Dose: 15 to 20 mg/day / Natural Sources: Fresh or cooked tomatoes, and fruits with red/pink flesh

Red Yeast Rice

Problem: Cholesterol

It contains lovastatin—a prescription statin—as well as other compounds that may help manage cholesterol. In a recent Annals of Internal Medicine study, patients who took red yeast rice during a 12-week diet and exercise program cut their LDL by 27 percent, compared with 6 percent for those who only dieted and exercised.

Dose: 600 mg, 3 times a day (Consult your M.D. if you’re on heart meds.) / Natural sources: Red yeast rice, some sake, red rice vinegar


Problem: Cancer risk

You can’t stop the clock, but you can slow it down. This chemical, found in the skin of grapes, seems to interact directly with genes that regulate aging, says Dr. Katz. Resveratrol has been shown to promote DNA repair in animals, enhance bloodflow to people’s brains, and halt the growth of prostate-cancer and colon-cancer cells.

Dose: No dosage recommendations/ Natural sources: Red wine, red grape juice


Problem: Depression

Talk about head-to-toe relief: A synthetic form of a dietary amino acid, SAMe has been found to treat depression as effectively as prescription antidepressants, according to Canadian researchers. It has also been shown to reduce joint pain and inflammation, and it may aid cartilage repair.

Dose: 600 to 1,600 mg/day depending on the condition / Natural sources: Made in your body, possibly after eating meats, greens, and oranges

Saw Palmetto

Problem: Enlarged prostate

As you age, your risk rises for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition that makes you trickle at the toilet. Saw palmetto may help restore the flow. In a recent Korean study, men taking 320 mg of saw palmetto daily saw their BPH symptoms decrease by 50 percent after 1 year.

Dose: 320 mg/day / Natural sources: Saw palmetto berries

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GI Diets Show Promise but Need More Research

— By Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian

Imagine a categorizing system in which numbers are assigned to foods, allowing you to choose the foods that curb appetite, help shed excess pounds, lower your risk for diabetes, and improve heart health. These in fact are the claims of popular diets that use the Glycemic Index—GI diet, for short.

The Glycemic Index ranks carbohydrate-containing foods (on a scale from 0 to 100) based on their effects on blood sugar levels in the body. Eating highly processed foods, such as bread made from refined white flour, raises blood sugar higher and faster than does eating whole foods, such as whole-wheat bread or an apple. Foods—like white bread—that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar are given a higher number, while whole-wheat breads and apples have lower ratings. A rating of 55 or below is considered low, and 70 or above is considered high.

Additional information and values for the GI diet can be found at:, and The Glycemic Indexes of a few foods are listed here:

Food Item

Peanuts 14
Grapefruit 25
Pizza 30
Oranges 48
Potato Chips 54
Snickers Bar 55
White Rice 64
White Bread 70
Popcorn 72
Baked Potato 85

The Premise

Proponents of the GI diet believe that the lower the GI number of a carbohydrate food, the better.   High GI foods are digested and metabolized more quickly, causing a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. This creates a dramatic spike in levels of the hormone insulin, which works to remove sugar from the blood. These responses can lead to an overproduction of insulin, contributing to weight gain. Therefore, carbohydrate foods with low Glycemic Indexes cause less insulin secretion and slow the clearing of glucose from the blood stream—resulting in greater satiety, and fewer calories consumed throughout the day.

The Spark Response

Using the Glycemic Index for meal planning is a very complicated process. Here are some of the limitations:

  • Only about 5% foods in the national food database have been tested.
  • There is usually a wide variation in the GI measurement. A potato can be as low as 56 or as high as 100. In fact, a food’s GI score can change based on the food’s ripeness level.
  • A food’s GI score can also change based on preparation techniques. Grinding and cooking can elevate the GI score of some foods, because they become quicker and easier to digest.
  • GI testing is done on individual foods, but we consume most foods in combinations. Fiber, protein, and fat will usually reduce the Glycemic Index of a meal.
  • The rate at which different people digest carbohydrates varies. And each person’s glycemic response may vary throughout the day.
  • When certain high glycemic foods are eliminated from the diet, so are vital vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals. Watermelon has a GI of 72 but it is high in potassium, vitamin A, and lycopene, for example.
  • Relying on the Glycemic Index can still lead to overeating and weight gain. Peanuts look like the perfect choice with a GI of 14, but with about 400 calories in ½ cup, they won’t help shed pounds when eaten in excess.

The Glycemic Index is a marvelous tool for ranking carbohydrates. However, it is currently only in its infancy regarding health benefits. More research is necessary to make it a truly valid, reliable, and applicable teaching tool. The simple facts still remain:

  • 20% of Americans’ calories come from high carbohydrate foods, such as cakes, cookies, pies, pastries, ice cream, sugar, candy, soda pop, and chips.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grain products (whole-wheat breads and pastas, brown rice, and wheat germ) are nutritionally superior to highly processed, refined products.
  • Simply limiting the total number of carbohydrates you consume at a meal can more easily control your blood sugar levels.
  • You probably don’t need a complicated rating system to confuse you about which carbohydrates to include in your diet.

let me know your thoughts.

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Jeff’s Story (PBS-Prune Belly Syndrome)

It’s been a second since I have written anything, but now I’ve been trying to gear up for this New Year of 2011.

Jeff and I (I’d call him Jeffrey when I had to get his attention) did not grow up together, but we would act like brothers when we got around each other. He was and will always be my brother in Christ.

Jeff dealt  with PBS (Prune Belly syndrome) all his life.

What is PBS? (Prune Belly Syndrome)

Also known as Eagle-Barrett syndrome, prune belly syndrome is characterized by three main features:

-Anterior abdominal wall musculature (“stomach muscles”) deficient or absent

-Urinary tract anomalies (such as a very large bladder)

The incidence of prune belly syndrome is about 1 in 40,000 births; 95% of cases occur in males. In the past, it was suggested that the abdominal wall was deformed by pressure from a distended bladder due to bladder outlet obstruction in utero. Currently, it is thought that prune belly syndrome is a multisystem disease complex which derives from a primary defect in mesodermal development at about 8 weeks’ gestation.

The major prognostic factor is the degree of dilation of the urinary tract; 20% of patients are stillborn, 30% die of renal failure or urosepsis within the first two years of life, and the remaining 50% have varying degrees of urinary pathology.

The average age of the person with disease lives till the age of 10, Jeff lived till the age of 41. Jeff was a fighter, and was on the road of being A.L.I.VE. Surprisingly, he lived and left us on his birthday.

Jeff was my webmaster for all of the sites and projects we had been working on. Many things were in the works. Jeff I promise you, I’ll continue moving in those directions to make those dreams become a reality.

Opinionated, yet compassionate. Funny, yet loving. I can say that with both our faults and all, we were friends.

A talented writer, sometimes D.J., political analyst, sometime radio D.J., and all around Internet guru… you were my go to guy.

With your famous tag line that you would sign off in your articles “ If I don’t see you down here, I hope to see you up there”… Till me meet again my friend, till we meet again.


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