
Foam Rollers… A Must Have

I often says the the phrase “Stick to the plan, shower, and stretch”. I know that clients do 2 out of the three regularly. Not sure in what order but regularly. A foam roller truly helps the soreness go away.  Here is why

Foam-rolling technique, called self-myofascial release (SMR), works similarly to massage therapy, only rather than a therapist applying manual pressure to your muscles, you apply your body weight to the foam roller. The idea is to seek out tender spots in your soft tissues, also known as knots or trigger points, and then roll your body over the foam roller to massage out the tight spots and relieve pain, pressure, and inflammation.

Experts differ on best technique: some favor placing acute pressure on a painful spot and holding for 20-30 seconds, while others prefer general massage to the area or a combination of both, but neither strategy is wrong. A good time to foam roll is before you begin your workout as part of your warm-up, usually spending at least 5 minutes on tight or sore areas. Foam rolling can also be done post-workout to help prevent sore muscles and is safe to do daily. by Shelby Miller

To actually see, how it’s done click the video from an Mike Hernon at the

If you haven’t purchased your foam roller, I Strongly suggest you get one. we have some in stock for $20.00.

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Keith Gonzalez Fat Loss Video Blog

Keith Gonzalez #11- 1 great gain for losing weight

Before and After



In this Video Keith makes a confession about something that bothered him when he was at his heaviest weight. He is  37Lbs down in almost 3 months.By sharing what he went through, it may keep him from getting that fat again.

30lbs down (see the transformation)

This post can’t wait. Keith has lost 30lbs, and still losing. for all of you who have ever doubted anything, “doubt your limitations.”


The voice in the background is me, and this was just the warm-up.  we got more work-outs here then Milton Bradley.

Here what some of you missed Saturday  morning on the walk. It was amazing.


Keith is giving you a real one-on-one truth session here on his goal to losing weight. from self-esteem, to sleeping differently, he’s making his goals come true. Keep it going Keith, keep it going.



If you have done the detox, you may have wanted to treat yourself for your accomplishment. I always stress “in moderation” though.

Keith tried to stray from the plan….hear what happened.

Here is a video blog from a client of mine Keith “break dancing” Gonzalez. His reason are like so many, but his determination is incredible. Keith has decided to post video blogs of the process in his progress. I’m not hard on him, but I’m definitely not easy either (read “I can be your hardest coach, or your greatest cheerleader”).


Yesterday Keith sent me this video. He said “my daughter wants to be like me…healthy”.

As parents (even adults) we do set the standards of what children believe is their reality. I do believe the children are our future, and not just because Whitney Houston made it famous. Anyway, enough of my rant.

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