
Understanding Depression: Through Mindfulness and Self-Care

Jonathan Fernandez Vh1 GIF by I'm So Jonathan

By. Mr. J’ean

Depression is often described as a heavy, pressing weight – a deep pressure that makes it hard to find motivation, feel joy, or engage in life. As someone who has struggled with depression, I know how true this feels. There were times when just getting out of bed felt like trying to move a boulder. The most basic tasks required Herculean effort. The world lost its light, color, and energy.

But depression doesn’t have to be a life sentence. While professional help is often needed, there are things we can do to start relieving some of that deep pressure. As the video mentioned, exercise releases feel-good endorphins and helps boost energy levels. Even a short walk or stretch can make a difference. Setting small, manageable goals provides a sense of accomplishment. Things like making the bed, doing the dishes, or calling a friend are achievable steps that lighten the load bit by bit.

Connecting with others is also huge. Depression often makes us isolated, but we need human contact and support. Sharing feelings honestly can release some of their grip. Just knowing someone cares helps ease the loneliness depression brews. Activities that once brought joy may seem pointless, but make an effort to do them anyway. The spark of enjoyment can slowly rekindle.

Above all, be patient and kind with yourself. Healing takes time. Some days will be harder than others. But understand that the deep pressure of depression does not define you. There are ways to relieve it, find hope again, and realize that your life has meaning and purpose. Take things one day at a time, focus on progress not perfection, and trust that lighter days will come.

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“2 Minutes to Reignite Passion: Overcoming Burnout with Brilliance”

Life changes when you change your life. Of all the people I’ve spoken to, it’s those who tell me I sparked a life-changing experience that touches me most. Their stories bring me to tears because life and death are in the power of the tongue.

A simple word of motivation at the right time can ignite major change. I’m humbled when a 79 year old woman credits me for pressing on to finish her first OCR. Or when a racer says I made them smile and laugh through my words. That’s life-changing.

This platform is an honor I don’t take lightly. Knowing my voice makes an impact keeps me striving to improve and give my best. It’s life-changing for me too.

I see the greatness in each of you and want to ignite that. Your best days are ahead. With focused action, you will create a better you.

My hope is that these messages inspire, motivate and give you laser focus. That they spark life change from within. You deserve to thrive fully alive.

So let this be the day you step forward boldly toward your potential. Make different choices, take new action. Allow life change to unfold.

And if these words resonate, please subscribe! Together we’ll ignite change. This is Jean signing off – now go light your fire!


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Monday Motivation: Response Ability

Happy Monday all! Jean here with a quick word on responsibility.

When you break it down, “responsibility” contains “response” and “ability”. Our responses reveal our character. Our ability determines our effort.

Together, how we choose to respond paired with the effort we’re able to give – this is true responsibility. And it’s what pushes us to new levels.

We all have exciting goals ahead. But reaching them requires patient, focused responses and consistent effort day by day.

Rather than reacting, respond intentionally. And pour your full capabilities into the task, no matter how small. Compound effort adds up.

Upholding responsibility in all areas unlocks growth and greatness. Keep working to improve both your responses and abilities.

And know there are others responsibly pushing you too – we all rise together. Surround yourself with those who call forth your best.

So what’s your responsibility regarding your goals? How can you respond better and give more effort daily? Let me know!

And if these Monday motivations are helping you level up, please subscribe! Together we’ll maximize our potential.

This is Jean signing off. Go make me proud and do something TODAY to get closer to your dreams!

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Monday Motivation: Your Support System

Happy Monday all! Jean here to celebrate our support systems this week.

First, thanks to everyone who sent in “beyond the job” pics – I’m loving seeing your adventurous spirits! More to come on that.

We all need a tribe to lean on. As the saying goes, “I’ve been able to see far because I stood on the shoulders of giants.”

Our support crew keeps us in check and uplifted in ways no one else can see. They ground us mentally, physically, and spiritually.

So today, give a shout out to your MVPs! Tag that friend or family member who stands beside you through thick and thin. Show appreciation for those who uplift you even when you stumble.

Having people who believe in us is a priceless gift. We all need that positive reinforcement and guidance along the journey.

Let your supporters know they matter. A simple “thank you” can make their day. And don’t forget to look in the mirror – you’re part of someone’s crew too!

Showing gratitude cements bonds and fills buckets. Use this week to celebrate the people who champion you.

And if these Monday motivations help uplift your journey, subscribe! Together we’ll spread more positivity.

This is Jean signing off. Now go out and be somebody’s cheerleader!

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Monday Motivation: A Spartan Hero

Happy Monday Spartans! Jean here to honor an inspiring hero from West Virginia – Mr. Alvarado.

While many raced this weekend, Alvarado’s journey especially stood out. He was terrified to run the Sprint and Super back-to-back, having never attempted it before.

At the start line, I sensed his fear. But I told him the fear just meant the journey ahead was meaningful. We grow through challenges.

I reminded him it’s not the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog. With determination, anything is possible.

Alvarado persevered through pain and finished both races at his own steady pace. Afterwards, we embraced and shed tears together, knowing the mental strength it required.

He inspires me because he never gave up despite fear. He stayed in the fight and unleashed the fight within. In the end, he earned an incredible double trifecta!

So to all of you out there this Monday, remember Alvarado’s journey. You are stronger than you know. It’s not what’s in you but what you unleash that makes you a Spartan.

Lean into your discomfort. Go further than seems possible. You have an inner well of grit waiting to be tapped.

Give all that you can. Be your very best. The fight in YOU can surmount any obstacle. Keep believing!

And if these stories help you unleash your inner warrior, please subscribe! Together we’ll conquer mountains.

This is Jean signing off. Now get out there and run like Alvarado!

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