
7 Simple Tricks to Incinerate Stubborn Fat forever!

By Sue Heintze

Do you feel like you have reached a point where you just can’t seem to lose those last few kilos? Feel like you’d tried everything and are sitting there in frustration wondering what to do next?

We have some simple tricks for you to follow to quickly boost your metabolism and incinerate stubborn fat faster that you ever thought possible!

Don’t Starve Yourself

Simply put, don’t crash diet! While crash diets may cause short-term rapid weight loss, realize that much of this weight is water and it will come back. Not only that but since your body thinks it’s starving, it will slow the metabolic rate so when you return back to your normal diet (which you will since no one can maintain a starvation diet for long), you’ll start gaining extra fat rapidly because of it.

You’ll never win with starvation diets.

Pump Up Your Protein Power

It’s absolutely critical that you take in enough protein with your diet plan. Think of protein as a ‘power food’. It’s going to fuel your muscles and speed recovery, help reduce your hunger, and boost your metabolism.

The body has to work hard to break down protein in the body – much harder than it does for carbohydrates or dietary fats, so because of this, each time you eat protein, it causes a spike to your metabolic rate.

Forgo Your Fat Fear

Terrified of adding dietary fat to your diet? Don’t be.

Dietary fat can actually help you lose fat when used properly. It’s going to reduce hunger and ensure your metabolism is working properly. Healthy fats, such as those found in fish oil, coconut oil, avocado, walnuts, almonds, and flaxseeds will help enhance insulin sensitivity, increase your energy, and ensure that you’re using body fat as a fuel source properly.

Watch your portion sizes as fats are higher in calories than other foods, but definitely do not cut them out of your plan.

Get Smart With Spices

Spice it up!

Tired of a bland diet? Pump up the flavour with spices. Spices are completely calorie free and offer numerous health benefits. Certain spices can actually boost your metabolic rate, so that you burn more calories in the hours following consumption.

Spices with metabolism boosting benefits include cayenne pepper and chilli powder. You might also like to consider adding cinnamon to your meals whenever possible as it helps to moderate your blood glucose levels so you use carbs for fuel rather than converting them to body fat.

Bring Back Those Carbs

On a low carb diet? If so, you probably think you’re on your way to rapid fat loss. While low carb diets can promote quick weight loss, there’s one caveat… Go low carb for too long and your body will fight you. Low carb diets will dramatically slow the metabolic rate as a hormone called leptin starts to decrease. As it decreases, your urge to eat will become stronger until it’s eventually uncontrollable.

To prevent this from taking place, periodically add higher carbohydrate days into your diet plan where you consume more calories and give your metabolism a break. Try and focus on healthy carbs if possible such as oats, pasta, brown rice, and sweet potatoes, but if you really want your favourite ‘cheat’ food – have it. This is the one time when that cheat meal will actually help not hinder you.

Harness the Power of Compound Movements and Metabolic Training

To rapidly incinerate fat during your workout session, focus on compound movements that work as many muscles at once as possible. Then, stack these exercises back to back with as little rest in between as you can handle.

This will create a massive calorie burn during the workout session and help you continue burning calories at an elevated rate for hours after it’s completed.

Perfect exercises to choose include squats, lunges, deadlifts, the bench press, and push-ups.

7 Simple Tricks to Incinerate Stubborn Fat forever! Read More »

Best Weight Loss Advice

 Diet Advice You Can Easily Follow (and Actually Works)
5 expert-approved ways to tip the scale in your favor

By Ashley Balcerzak,

You see them all the time—infomercials, emails, and Facebook posts that claim to have the secret to dropping those stubborn winter pounds so you look better on the beach this summer. They pitch a “breakthrough” diet or a metabolism-boosting extract. Often, it doesn’t live up to the promise.

That’s exactly what we’re here to save you from. “A hugely important thing to remember is that there are no weight-loss ‘secrets,’ ” says Alan Aragon, M.S., and the Men’s Health weight-loss coach. “Time, patience, and determination are required, along with owning up to the fact that it’s a difficult process.” There are no tricks that can transform you into Cristiano Ronaldo, and thinking they exist only leads to discouragement and failure.

So what does work? We spoke with five of the top weight-loss specialists in the country, and each offered one piece of advice to help you work toward the body you want.

The Advice: Remember basic math.

The Expert: Alan Aragon, M.S., Men’s Health weight-loss coach

To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume, says Aragon. Common sense, right? As most of us know, that simple rule can be hard to follow if your diet doesn’t allow for your favorite foods. Aragon’s solution: Plan “cheat days” where you can eat what you want, but plan ahead so you still end up with a calorie deficit for the week.

And while you want to incorporate exercise, don’t over-rely on it. or you’ll burn yourself out with endless cardio or gym sessions, Aragon says. Instead, have a plan and follow it consistently. If your nutrition and fitness schedule concludes with two days of pushing yourself to the limit, says Aragon, you’re doing something wrong.


The Advice: Eat real food.

The Expert: David Katz, M.D., founding director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center

At the request of scientific publisher Annual Reviews, Dr. Katz pursued the question: What mainstream diet works best? He scoured through the options, from Paleo to vegan and much more. After weighing the pros and cons of each strategy, Katz found no clear winner. He did discover a helpful common pattern: Consuming real foods—or minimally processed foods, including plants—promotes health and prevents disease. “Focus on these foods and the nutrients will sort themselves out,” says Katz.

Need help sorting through processed products? With the help of top nutritional experts, Katz developed Nuval, a guide that calculates a food’s nutritional score. The higher the number, the greater the health value.


The Advice: Eat foods fill you up.

The Expert: Christopher Mohr, PH.D., RD, president of Mohr Results in Louisville, Kentucky

Refined carbohydrates are foods from which the grain—and most of the nutritional value—is extracted when processed. Think white bread, pretzels, and plain pasta. They spike your blood sugar which then drops like a roller-coaster, making you hungry for more. Replace refined carbs with a cup of fat-free cottage cheese with fruit or wild salmon, Mohr says. The protein-filled foods will keep you fuller and prevent overeating, as well as helping you build and maintain lean-muscle mass. Choosing foods with 20 to 30 grams of protein and/or more healthy fiber is crucial, says Mohr.


The Advice: Strive for average.

The Expert: Mike Roussell, PH.D., Men’s Health nutrition advisor  

 Reaching for the middle doesn’t seem like the right way to approach a goal, but in this case, average is good. Trying to do too much too soon—losing 20 pounds of fat or gaining 20 pounds of muscle in a month—is a recipe for disaster, Roussell says. These aggressive goals lead to extremes in calorie-cutting and binging, called hyperbolic dieting, and produces unsustainable, short-term results. “Ask yourself—is my diet today the average of what I’d like it to always be? If the answer is yes, then you are doing it right,” Roussell says.


The Advice: Eliminate mindless munching.

The Expert: David Sarwer, Ph.D., director of the Albert J. Stunkard Weight Management Program at the University of Pennsylvania

“In our overly scheduled daily lives, we rarely pay attention to what we eat and drink throughout the day,” Sarwer says. Instead of running to the vending machine every time your stomach rumbles, plan out healthy snack breaks throughout the day. Trade a low-calorie snack bar for that bagel in the break room, or a handful of almonds to replace your afternoon bag of chips. The simple act of thinking about and controlling what you consume will work wonders.

Best Weight Loss Advice Read More »


Let’s be honest, sometimes you just have to STOP whatever it is that’s sabotaging your health.

If we’re really honest about things, we probably can assess what we’re doing to ourselves to make us wanna change our clothes in the dark or sit like a slug on the couch.
It all comes down to habits.
(If you’re pressed for time, just click here to start making a healthy change.)
So how do you stop bad habits and create good ones?

Here are  seven steps to create life-improving habits. 

Screen Shot 2014-05-17 at 9.56.13 PM1) Decide on the ONE habit that you would like to develop. It’s tempting to pick up 3 or 4 healthy habits, but choosing just one new habit is realistic and doable.  Looking to change too many things like cleaning up your eating, quitting smoking, starting to exercise, stopping frivolous spending and keeping the house organized is setting yourself up to fail.

PICK ONE THING – Choose the ONE thing that you think would have the biggest impact to improve your life TODAY.

Make baby steps towards your goal. Set yourself up for SUCCESS by doing things one at a time, one day at a time.

Here are some healthy habit ideas:

  • Don’t eat after 7pm each night.
  • Bring your lunch to work instead of eating fast food.
  • Exercise 4 times a week before work for 20 minutes.
  • Reduce sugar intake.
  • Eat more protein.

2) Write your new habit down on paper. Also include your 3 main motivators for developing this new habit, the obstacles you’ll face, and your strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

Here’s an example:

  • My new habit is to workout 3-4 times a week.
  • My 3 main motivators are 1) to feel confident in my bathing suit this summer, 2) to have more energy, and 3) to fit into my jeans more comfortably.
  • The obstacles I will face are 1) not having the energy to go to my session after work, 2) not having enough money to pay for sessions, and 3) not having my spouse’s support.
  • I will overcome these obstacles by 1) doing my workouts before work instead of after work, so I have more energy, 2) cutting down on frivolous spending to ensure that I can afford it, and 3) asking my spouse to join me so we can get in shape together.

3) Commit fully to your new habit, in a public way. This could mean posting it on Facebook, or simply announcing it at the dinner table. Put yourself in a position where you’ll be embarrassed to give up on your new habit. 

4) Keep track of your progress. You could keep a detailed journal or simply make a check mark on each calendar day that you successfully exercise your new habit. 
Screen Shot 2014-05-17 at 9.53.33 PM
5) Keep yourself publicly accountable. This means either status updates on Facebook or verbal status updates at the dinner table. Your friends and family are in a position to offer you support, so don’t shy away from those close to you.  

6) When you fail, figure out what went wrong so that you can plan around it in the future. 

7) Reward yourself for your success. Ensure your reward supports your overall goal. So if your goal is to reduce sugar, your reward shouldn’t be a sugary treat. Think of a non-food reward that you’ll enjoy.

Wouldn’t it be nice to experience this sort of success?

STOP IT!!!! Read More »

3 Nutrition Tricks that Target Your Trouble Spots

by Bruce and Janet Krahn
Trouble Spot Training & Nutrition Experts

Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #1: Cycle Your Calories
(STOP eating the SAME amount of calories every day)

It’s no secret that in order to lose fat your body needs to be in a calorie deficit each day (burning off more calories than you’re consuming).

Conversely, in order to build muscle your body requires a calorie surplus (taking in more than you’re burning off).

However, eating the same amount of calories day in and day out when trying to lose fat can quickly result in adaptations, making it impossible to lose weight… OR gain muscle.

The solution is to “cycle” your calories. For example:

-> Weight Training Days = Calorie Surplus (12-15 x Lean Body Mass)
-> Cardio or Diet Days = Calorie Deficit (8-10 x Lean Body Mass)

This will keep your thyroid activity (T4-T3 conversion) efficient and leptin sensitivity high – all while helping you maintain the proper estrogen to testosterone ratio necessary for fat loss and
muscle gains.

Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #2: Cycle Your Macronutrients
(STOP eating the SAME amount of carbs, proteins, and fats every day)

All calories are NOT created equal.

Proteins, fats and carbs are all metabolized differently by the body and each produces a unique hormonal response…

… Especially when it comes to the hormone insulin.

IMPORTANT: Some people are more “sensitive” to the actions of insulin, while some are more “resistant”.

If you have stubborn fat areas or trouble spots that won’t budge no matter how hard you try, you are likely insulin resistant, which means you would benefit greatly from replacing your “healthy” carbs such as rice and potatoes with healthy fats.

When this is done the right way it can make your body become more insulin sensitive, resulting in greater fat loss and more lean, calorie burning muscle – especially in stubborn body parts.

Trouble Spot Nutrition Trick #3: Cycle Your Food Choices
(STOP eating the SAME types of foods every day)

Food allergies are extremely common these days.

Eating foods which you are allergic to can increase levels of inflammation causing your adrenal glands to secrete more cortisol.

This in turn increases insulin and blood sugar levels causing your body to hold on to and deposit fat, rather than allowing you to access your stubborn fat for energy.

The best way for you to avoid developing food allergies is to rotate your food selections.

A few tips that will help is to avoid eating the same types of proteins back-to-back, while reducing or eliminating wheat and dairy – the two most common food allergens.

3 Nutrition Tricks that Target Your Trouble Spots Read More »

4 Foods That Naturally Purge Toxins From Your Body (helps “release” trapped fat cells)

The world isn’t what it used to be.

Everyday our bodies are under attack because we now live in an era of relentless toxic exposure from plastics, pesticides, and obesity additives.

These harmful chemicals can be found everywhere. They are in the water we drink, the foods we eat, and the very air we breathe. And don’t forget about all the lotions, creams, shampoos, deodorants, and air fresheners we use.

Even our cookware can be toxic. Byproducts from Teflon pans, plastic particles from spatulas, and cooking sprays loaded with propellants.

Dangerous compounds like insecticides, PCB’s, heavy metals, benzene, dioxin, phthalates, pesticides, DDT metabolites, flame retardants, styrene, xylene and dichlorobenzene…all have been routinely found in the stool, urine and blood of average people all around the globe just like YOU.

Even newborn infants, not yet exposed to the outside world, are in danger.

In 2005, the American Red Cross took samples of fetal cord blood from 10 newborns and found a shocking 287 chemicals inside the samples, which included dioxins, phthalates, pesticides, Teflon byproducts, flame retardants and many others.

And that’s really just the tip of the iceberg. A study published in the journal Neurotoxicology took samples of the first bowel movement of 426 infants.

– 84% contained mercury

– 27% contained lead

– 27% percent had DDT, a pesticide that was banned in the US for the last 25+ years

There’s no escaping this toxic burden.

It’s ALL inside your body right now and it’s harming your cells, causing severe inflammation, clogging up your liver, stopping your body from getting rid of unwanted belly fat – and it’s aging your body at an accelerated rate.

Fortunately, there are few simple “tweaks” you can make to your diet, starting today, that can help your body eliminate this toxic burden and get your fat loss moving again, while helping you look and feel younger.

I’ve spent the last several years teaching these simple fat flushing techniques to men and women of all ages. All you have to do is simply add the 4 foods below into your nutrition plan, and you can instantly begin your fight against the chemical burden that’s inside your body at this very moment.

But proceed with caution: What you’re about to discover is not some extreme cleansing plan, or a dangerous detox method that you normally hear about in health and fitness circles. In fact, it’s so stupid simple and easy to use, that your local health professional will probably think I’m nuts. But I am NOT!

These 4 foods will help you purify your body
of chemical build-up, reduce chronic
inflammation, cleanse your liver of fat storing
toxins and flush away your “trapped” fat –
all in 7 days or LESS.

You read it right. Simply add these 4 foods below to your diet, starting today, and it will take you less than 7 short days to dramatically reduce inflammation and cleanse your liver – helping you begin the process of flushing away your “trapped” fat cells.

Food #1: Turmeric (clean your fat burning filter)

Turmeric is now being touted in the innovative medical community as the “fountain of youth” super spice.

Used predominantly in Indian cuisine, the root of this spice is used for dozens of health benefits, including acting as a powerful, all-natural anti-inflammatory agent.

Often considered the forgotten spice, turmeric can assist your liver’s enzymes in flushing out carcinogens from your body.

This is critically important for optimal health and efficient fat loss because your liver acts as a natural detoxifier. It’s your body’s fat burning filter and turmeric will help you keep it healthy.

A poor functioning liver will ZAP you of your energy and make it nearly impossible to shed unwanted body fat because it’s responsible for the elimination of drugs, pesticides, and environmental chemicals from your body.

Turmeric not only helps you maintain a healthy functioning liver, research indicates curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, may help reduce joint pain caused from inflammation and lower your blood sugar to eliminate cravings…all of which will keep your body in a “fat burning environment”.

As you can clearly see, this spice is definitely one you want to be making good use of. It will help you flush out more “trapped” fat and it just so happens to work perfectly with food #2 below.

Food #2: Lemon Juice (purge toxins from your blood)

The all-natural alkalizing effect of fresh squeezed juice, from organic lemons, has a very powerful detoxifying effect that can purge toxins from the blood and help assist in removing harmful compounds from your body.

Almost everybody has been misled to believe lemons are acidic, but inside your body lemons are an incredibly alkaline food that can help balance your body’s pH, which means better health and higher energy levels.

Lemon juice has also been shown to improve your digestive function, acts as a mild diuretic and is loaded with healthy nutrients (citric acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin) that helps boost your immune function.

Combine all these benefits together and you have the PERFECT environment for faster fat loss. All you need to do to get all these healthy fat fighting benefits is squeeze a medium sized lemon (use organic to avoid residual pesticides) into a small glass of water every morning on an empty stomach.

Food #3: Cruciferous Vegetables
(destroy fat storing estrogen)

Cruciferous vegetables contain a naturally occurring ingredient called 3,3′-Diindolylmethane or DIM for short. DIM is strongly anti-estrogenic, so it helps block xenoestrogens (sometimes called obsesogens)…otherwise known as BAD estrogen that accumulates inside your body from constant exposure to environmental toxins.

This hormone is the reason why women are storing more and more belly fat in today’s day and age – and it’s also responsible for chronically low testosterone levels in men. This causes all kinds of nasty side effects like facial hair in women and “man boobs” in men. Not to mention it makes it VERY difficult to lose weight.

DIM not only wards of off bad estrogen, it also acts as an immunostimulant, which means it can naturally “boost” your immune system and Wikipedia even touts this ingredient to have various potent anticancer properties. So including these foods in your diet could go a long way.

Obvious choices to add to your daily nutrition plan are broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and cabbage. Some other, lesser-known, super veggies include swiss chard, arugula, collard greens, bok choy, kale, and watercress.

IMPORTANT TIP: Since DIM is fat soluble, it’s best to consume these veggies with other healthy oils and friendly fats like grass fed butter. This will greatly enhance the absorption of these powerful fat-fighting nutrients.

Food #4: Tart Cherries
(recover FASTER and stop inflammation)

Over 111 million prescriptions are issued yearly for anti-inflammatory drugs. These meds have been shown to wreak havoc on your digestive system, while causing damage to your heart, your liver, and your kidneys.

But the anthocyanins and phenols found in tart cherries have been shown to provide STRONGER protection against muscle injury and damage than these dangerous drugs. In other words, this tiny fruit has been proven BETTER than things like Ibuprofen for reducing inflammation and muscle soreness.

In fact, over 74 published studies indicate tart cherries deliver a high level of protection against cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and can even fight against Alzheimer’s. Many of them also validate tart cherries and tart cherry beverages speed up recovery time from exercise and reduce inflammatory markers significantly.

But there’s MORE…tart cherries also contain a hefty dose of naturally occurring melatonin (improves sleep) and they have one of the highest anti-oxidant scores of all fruits and they score amazingly low on the glycemic index (~20). So they’re one the best fruits to eat for fat loss.

So by eating a hefty dose of tart cherries (or organic, flash pasteurized tart cherry juice) you can help your body recover faster, reduce joint pain through the anti-inflammatory response, sleep better, and fight inflammation to “flush out” more trapped fat from your body.

4 Foods That Naturally Purge Toxins From Your Body (helps “release” trapped fat cells) Read More »