
3 HIGHLY-TOXIC “healthy” ingredients you are eating EVERY DAY

Stuff like this keeps a Nutrition Nerd like me awake at night…

There are 3 ingredients that the FDA, the Government and even most doctors still consider “safe” or even “healthy”.

But in reality, and judging from the latest research…

…they are HIGHLY toxic to your body.

And yet, you probably consume them every single day.

Like this one chemical that’s added to the tap water of 60% of Americans, and that’s now linked to immune system destruction and thyroid suppression.


Fortunately, a great guy I met in Tampa last Year —
Anthony Alayon — has decided to expose these dangerous chemicals and educate the public on how dangerous they are.


There’s no better way to say it… if you care about your
health and those of people you love, then the article at the
link below is a MUST read:


==> 3 Highly Toxic Ingredients You Consume Every Day (Ditch them now)


We can chat later,


J’ean aka Coach




PS — I almost forgot.

Later, I’ll go deep into why the toxic ingredients Anthony
talks about in his research compilation called “101 Toxic
Food Ingredients”
are considered “safe” by the FDA…


3 HIGHLY-TOXIC “healthy” ingredients you are eating EVERY DAY Read More »

5 Unconventional Super Foods for Building Muscle

5 Unconventional Super Foods for Building Muscle

Stefan Pinto

Buil­ding muscle mass requi­res a daily intake of not only pro­tein, but good car­bohy­dra­tes for energy. Fuel your fit­ness muscle buil­ding power with these muscle buil­ding foods:

  1. Spi­nach: Ima­gine if you could inc­rease pro­tein pro­duc­tion by 120%? You can, with spi­nach. Accor­ding to a Rut­gers Uni­ver­sity study, phy­toecydys­te­roid a com­pound found in spi­nach, allo­wed muscle tis­sue to repair itself fas­ter. Pos­sibly not only buil­ding muscle, but making you stron­ger. Eat a ser­ving of spi­nach after every wor­kout to inc­rease muscle mass.
  2. Len­tils: Unre­fi­ned com­plex car­bohy­dra­tes are an ideal sta­ple follo­wing a wor­kout as they pro­vide the energy your body cra­ves. Len­tils are one of the few high-protein legu­mes that pro­vide anywhere from 15-20g of our daily pro­tein requi­re­ment, plus fiber, vita­mins and mine­rals and zero fat.
  3. Sweet Potato: Body­buil­ders have been known to use this edi­ble, tro­pi­cal tuber to expand musc­les. Sweet pota­toes are nutrient powerhou­ses, rich in Vita­mins A and C, both power­ful antio­xi­dants (help remove free radi­cals that only serve to damage cells). Sweet pota­toes are also low in calo­ries. Learn more about sweet potatoes.
  4. Qui­noa (keen-wah): Higher in fiber and pro­tein than oats, qui­noa is pac­ked with potas­sium, iron and the very much need good car­bohy­dra­tes (without car­bohy­dra­tes, the body will use pro­tein for energy ins­tead of for buil­ding muscle). Qui­noa is an ideal muscle-building foods as it con­tains all essen­tial amino acids for pac­king on muscle mass.

5. Apples: More for weight loss, the pec­tin in apples helps you to feel full, making it ideal for post-workouts. The peel of the apple is the most bene­fi­cial part of this com­mon, every­day fruit, howe­ver apples are highly con­ta­mi­na­ted with pes­ti­ci­des. Best to buy organic.

5 Unconventional Super Foods for Building Muscle Read More »

6 body-energizing pre workout supplements that can make the difference between an average and a amazing workout.

6 body-energizing pre workout supplements that can make the difference between an average and a amazing workout.

By Vince Del Monte

If you’re like me, then you like to turn good into great every chance you get.

That includes your workouts.

I would rather have an amazing workout rather than an average workout.

Wouldn’t you?

As a fitness enthusiast and bodybuilder you are always trying to get to that next level of your physique, especially with short and t-shirt season fast approaching!

Today I want to cover six super star supplements that you can use 60-minute to 30-minutes before your workouts. This information is geared to my advanced readers, with at least one year of consistent weight training experience and looking for an edge.

You understand that nutrition and a professionally-designed training program are the key components to an amazing workout but you also admit that the difference between an average workout and amazing workout can be supplementation. Supplements do make a 5-10% difference so if you’re at that point in your training where that extra 5-10% is just what you need, I’ve got some killer preworkout formulas to improve your training.

As you know, my first body transformation from 149 pounds to 190 pounds – a gain of 41 pounds of muscle in 6 months – resulted from very little supplement use.  Just whey protein powder, a multi vitamin and fish oils.

Over the past few years I’ve been experimenting with more supplements and a variety of pre workout rituals and I’m happy to share that these were six super star supplements that have had a solid impact on my workouts.

Remember, without eating quality carbohydrates and proteins 90-minutes before you workout, don’t expect for these six supplements to power you through your workout alone.

Super Star Supplement #1: Creatine

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know that creatine is one of the most potent supplements ever discovered.  Creatine can help you improve your lean muscle mass in as little as 2-weeks, boost energy, endurance, strength, power and even burn fat.

Top Reason To Use: The biggest benefit is that it helps create more intensity in your workouts, which is what separates the men from the boys in the gym.  The longer and harder you can train, the more muscle you can gain and more fat you burn.

Dosage Guidelines: Males don’t need more than 5 grams before their workout and females don’t need more than 5 grams after their workout. Females can use as little as 2.5 grams before a workout.

INSIDER TIP: Drink a lot of water and don’t let it sit in your liquid for too long or else it’ll lose it’s potency.  Also, don’t take creatine with alcohol or caffeine because creatine works by creating an osmotic affect (water storage), which leads to cells swelling with water.

I currently use Power XD from Blue Star Nutrition.  Use the coupon code “maximize” if you pick this up and you’ll get some free stuff.  The CEO of Blue Star, Adam Cloet, is a good friend of mine.

Super Star Supplement #2 Beta-Alanine

Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid naturally made in your body. Beta-alanine can boost muscular strength, power output, muscle mass, anaerobic endurance and aerobic endurance.  When you exercise your body creates lactic acid, which is when you experience the burn feeling.  This prevents you from being able to push your body to the max, maintain forceful muscle contractions and do more reps, which seriously hampers your ability to make new muscle gains.

Top Reason To Use It: Beta-alanine produces carnosine in your muscles, which leads to increased power, strength and endurance. You’ll also experience intense vasodilation/pumps from your first few doses of beta-alanine.  This happens because beta-alanine produces carnosine and carnosine is a precursor to producing nitric oxide.

Dosage Guidelines: No more then 3-5 grams per day is needed to significantly boost carnosine levels.

INSIDER TIP: It takes about 3-4 weeks to feel a big difference but you should stay on it for at least 3 months minimum to optimize carnosine levels.

Super Star Supplement #3 Protein Isolate Blend

If you’ve been following my reading since 2006, you’ve likely added a high-quality, low carb protein powder into your diet. Excellent job. If, however, you you want to maximize your workout, you need to include a blend of isolated proteins to give you the best protein sources including whey, casein, egg and milk isolates.

Most protein powders have at least one of these isolates, but the product I use, ISO-SMOOTH, delivers all four of the best protein sources in isolate form.

Top Reason To Use It: Bottom line, protein is critical for muscle growth. Your muscles need protein to recover and in turn grow after a workout. Taking a blend protein like ISO-SMOOTH provides a rapid and extended absorption rate because their is both fast and long releasing proteins for an immediate and sustained anabolic effect. This is one of the key elements to accelerated growth from your workouts.

Dosage Guidelines: Males should take at least 30 grams, which is usually 1 scoop.  Females can receive the same benefits with at least 15 grams of protein before their workout.

INSIDER TIP: I do make a small commission if you purchase Adam’s ISO-SMOOTH, which is not the reason you’re going to hear more about Blue Star Nutrition in the coming months.  I really like ISO-SMOOTH because it contains CLA, flax powder and bromelain (which are digestive enzymes), plus you get your 4 blends of protein in 1. Lastly, Adam’s ISO-SMOOTH is lactose free, sugar free, mixes easily and tastes incredible.  Don’t forget to use the “maximize” code for some free stuff.

Super Star Supplement #4 Caffeine

Not only does caffeine give you a spike in the morning but it can give your workout a spike. A popular stimulant, for endurance athletes, research now shows that caffeine works equally effective for weight training. Caffeine works better during a fat-burning cycle when you’re not taking supplements like creatine and arginine.  Do not mix and match these supplement together. When taken before a training session, caffeine helps break down fat instead of stored carbs (glycogen) for energy.  It also helps release calcium, which leads to more forceful muscle contractions.

Top Reason To Use It: Caffeine dulls your pain receptors and helps slow and prevent fatigue, which means you’ll train longer and harder leading to increased muscle mass and more fat loss.

Dosage Guidelines: Males can take 200-300 milligrams before training and females don’t need more than 200 milligrams.

INSIDER TIP: For accelerated fat loss, have a large cup of black coffee on a empty stomach and do cardio at 6am in a fasted state.  Just walk on a treadmill for 35 minutes 5x a week at a steep incline and you’ll lose at least an extra 1-2 pounds of fat each week.

Super Star Supplement #5 Brach Chain Amino Acids

Another power-house supplement that has been getting a lot of attention in literature and a lot of experimentation from myself and my clients. Here’s what you need to know: BCAAs are composed of three essential amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine). Your body relies on these three stooges for muscle protection and ability to build muscle. The more BCAAs in your body, the less chance for muscle loss.

Top Reason To Use Them: They prevent muscle breakdown so if you’re cutting fat be sure to include them in your diet and always have them in your cupboard.

Dosage Guidelines: Males can take 10 grams before a workout and females can take 5 grams before a workout.

INSIDER TIP: Mix 5 grams of creatine and 5 grams of glutamine to make the ultimate “muscle-protection” cocktail before your workout.

Pretty much all BCAAs products are the same and pretty cheap to make and cheap to purchase. I use Adam’s BCAA XD brand because of the XD technology.  Again, don’t forget to use the coupon code “maximize” to get some free stuff included.

Super Star Supplement #6 Arginine

Although you can get arginine, a essential amino acid, from almonds and several types of nuts, your body does not always get enough of it. Arginine in your pre workout cocktail can increase blood flow and growth hormone levels. It converts into nitric oxide once ingested, which dilates (opens) blood vessels thus ensuring fluids and nutrients reach the muscles, quickly. This means you’ll experience a stronger pump in your muscles, which can have indirect influence on muscle growth.

Top Reason To Use It: Arginine has a powerful antioxidant ability, supporting the immune system by scavenging free radicals. This helps speed up recovery so you can train longer and harder next time.

Dosage Guidelines: Males can take as high as 5 grams and females 3 grams.

INSIDER TIP: Too much arginine can lead to diarrhea, weakness and nausea, so start with a smaller dosage then recommended above and increase gradually.

6 body-energizing pre workout supplements that can make the difference between an average and a amazing workout. Read More »

Will fasting jumpstart my weight loss efforts and boost my health?

Q Will fasting jumpstart my weight loss efforts and boost my health?
A Fasting is the deliberate abstinence from food. Fasting has long been touted as a healthy process with many benefits such as cleaning the system, ridding the body of so-called toxins, benefiting the intestinal track, boosting metabolism, and jumpstarting weight loss. However none of these notions are true, nor are they backed up by medical research.While a short-term fast probably won’t harm most people, it could be quite dangerous for others, depending on their medical conditions, health histories, and medication use. I strongly urge you to talk to your physician before ever starting a fast.

During normal metabolic conditions (non-fasting), the body gets its energy primarily from glucose and fat (in the blood), which are supplied by the carbohydrates and fats that you eat. Both the brain and nervous systems use blood glucose for energy and proper functioning. Your body also stores energy in both the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen.

Within only hours after starting a fast, when dietary glucose is used up, the body draws on its glycogen stores, but these don’t last very long. When these stores are exhausted, your body enters an altered metabolic state. It turns to its own protein (and a portion of its fat) to make more glucose for the brain and nervous system. This results in a considerable breakdown of both lean muscle tissue and fat tissue, and a production of ketones. This is not considered a healthy or desirable state.

As a result, you might lose weight, but it is due to water loss, dehydration, and muscle tissue wasting, and is usually accompanied with symptoms such as fatigue and dizziness.

Therefore, you can reason that after years of abusing the body with a poor diet and excessive fat and calories, a fasting state is not the answer to better health. Your body is truly craving proper nutrition, including whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, healthy fats, and lean meats, fish, beans, and other protein sources. Then and only then, can the body systems work together effectively and efficiently. This healthy diet will results in improved energy and overall health.

NOTE: Certain medical procedures and tests require patients to fast for a designated time period. Always follow the advice of your primary health care provider in these situations.

Written by Becky Hand, Licensed & Registered Dietitian

Will fasting jumpstart my weight loss efforts and boost my health? Read More »

3 Delicious No-Fuss Dinners

Between work and home obligations, plus all those healthy changes we’re trying to make into lasting habits, sometimes cooking dinner gets moved to the back burner.

The good news is that delicious, nutritious meals don’t need to require a lot of work. Today we’re sharing three no-fuss meals that require just 10 minutes of hands-on prep work, along with our best tips for getting dinner on the table faster!
Chicken and Brown Rice Sloppy Joes

Sloppy joes are a favorite among kids and grownups alike. This recipe uses lean ground chicken to cut the fat plus extra veggies and whole-grain brown rice for crunch and nutrition.

If you have picky eaters who don’t like onions and peppers, chop them finely in the food processor. It’s quick and also “hides” the vegetables!

You can also swap in your favorite barbecue, pasta or enchilada sauce to change up the recipe in no time flat.

For this quick dinner, keep your side dishes simple: baby carrots and celery sticks with ranch dressing are a perfect fit.

Chicken Bake with Brown Rice and Corn

This Tex-Mex casserole is quick to assemble and contains many of our favorite ingredients–not to mention it’s super creamy and cheesy, yet it has under 350 calories a serving!

If you’re really in a time crunch, you caneven  microwave this casserole.

Here are some time-saving tips to get this winning meal on the table faster:

  • A couple of times a week, bake or grill a big batch of chicken breasts to make dinner prep a cinch.
  • Store leftovers in single-serving containers so you can easily take them for lunch the next day.
  • Have a teen or tween at home? This is definitely a recipe they could handle making on their own.

Chicken with Southwest Corn and Brown & Wild Rice

This meal takes simple sautéed chicken up a notch with a spicy (but not hot) southwest corn salsa.

To slice grape or cherry tomatoes, place them between two plastic lids from storage containers (careful not to press down hard!), hold down the top lid, and slice between the lids to cut all the tomatoes at once.

You can also chop onions and store them in a sealed container (to avoid making everything in the fridge smell like onions). They will keep for several days, so there’s no need to spend time chopping every night!

Have leftovers? This recipe is delicious the next day–in a whole new way! Shred the chicken and mix all the ingredients together, then serve over greens for a tasty taco salad at lunchtime!

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