
Kidney Detox

Your kidneys are about the size of your fist. They may be small but they are powerful organs and have many functions. Every day your kidneys process about 200 quarts of blood to move to about 2 quarts of waste and extra water. (1)

Kidney Detox – Besides helping get rid of wastes, your kidneys are also responsible for releasing several hormones:

1. Your kidneys release the hormone erythopoietin. This hormone stimulates the bone marrow and “tells” it to make red blood cells. (1)

2. The second hormone that is released by your kidneys is renin. Renin is important in regulating blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the underlying risks of heart disease. The higher your blood pressure, the more your heart has to work to pump blood throughout your body. Over time if this continues your heart may enlarge. (1)

3. The third hormone that is release is called calcitriol. Calcitriol is the active form of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps keep calcium in bonds and is important for proper chemical balance in your body. (1)

The two most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. (1) Both can be preventable and controllable. Many people have a risk for diabetes and high blood pressure in their family history, but even if you do you can do things to help prevent the risk for these conditions.

With all this functions that your kidneys are responsible for it’s important to help your kidneys function at optimal levels. This means you have to give your kidneys a break by first and foremost eliminating unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating processed foods and so on.

Use this simple steps to “help” your kidneys and detox them

Step 1

Eat fresh vegetables. Cut out the processed foods. Stop eating food out of a box. The more junk you eat the more your body has to work to get rid of it. Cook your own food. Knowing what you put in your body is important and when you cook your own food you know exactly what ingredients you’re using. Aim for organic products, especially if you eat meat.

JUICE! Juice. Juice. Juice fresh dark green leafy vegetables. Chlorophyll does wonders for your body.

Eat and juice alkalizing foods. Keeping your body’s pH at the desirable level (neutral pH) is important because you’re helping your body work at an optimal level without having to work overtime to get rid of unwanted and harmful toxins. The better you eat, the healthier you eat and the more you MOVE then the less your body has to spend time working to eliminate toxins and has more time to make you feel good by giving you energy and helping you feel your best.

There are simple things you can do to detox…like again eliminating processed foods and at least juicing fresh organic vegetables 2-3 times a day.

Step 2

Cranberries are excellent for your kidneys and bladder, especially for preventing and treating urinary tract infections. Cranberries contain a compound called hippuric acid. Hippuric acid helps acidify the urine and inhibit bacteria. This is important for people with bladder infections. Cranberries are great for your kidneys because they contain an antioxidant called proanthocyanidin. (2) Not only are cranberries beneficial for your kidneys and bladder but they are also great for reducing risks of heart disease, have anti-cancer properties, are great for your gums and much more.

It’s best to either juice fresh cranberries or blend them. Store bought juice (even organic) is packed with sugar. If you can’t find fresh organic cranberries, try frozen organic cranberries and blend them up.

Check out how to make your own cranberry blend yourself.

Step 3

Magnesium deficiency is not beneficial for helping your kidneys. Magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally. Magnesium supplements and a diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of potassium and magnesium, are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure. Magnesium is also important for diabetes, preventing osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and much more.

Step 4

Going on a simple 3-5 day juice fast is a great way to detox your body. When you juice dark green vegetables you are instantly getting high amount of nutrients and vitamins.

1. Many people ask me why they should juice when they could eat the vegetables or fruits. When you extract the juice from the vegetable all you are left with are beneficial micro-nutrients. Since your body doesn’t have to break down any components like insoluble fiber, your body is quickly absorbing micro-nutrients  antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and much more from the juice. That’s why often you get instant energy after having a juice!

2. Juicing also allows you to consume the needed vegetables and fruits that your body craves and needs for optimal health. If you find it difficult eating raw vegetables and fruit, then juicing is perfect for you. With juicing you are also getting a wide variety of different vegetables into your daily intake.

3. Juicing is a way to change the way you eat and will change the way you live. After you juice for a week, you will see and feel instant results.


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7 Habits Of Highly Successful Juicers

In this blog post, I’m going to give you a few awesome tips, tricks and tools to not only enhance your juicing game, but maybe impact your life and the others around you.Reading the title, you are probably wondering what it takes to be successful at juicing?For the purpose of this post, let’s supplement the word “life” in juicing. What’s true for life will apply to juicing as well. I’ll do my best at breaking it down in the juiciest way possible!

If you are the type of person that is just getting by… waking up in the morning with little energy, enthusiasm or zest for life then this is the post you have been waiting for…

I would like to believe everything happens for a reason and you’ve attracted this into your life for a reason.

7 Steps Of Highly Successful Juicers

1) Juicing A Grand Purpose

When making a juice, it is important to know what you want the outcome to be. You see, every vegetable and piece of fruit you put in the juicer has a unique gift to give to you. url

Carrots – great for your eyes – so that you can see all of the beauty that is abundantly around you.

Cucumbers – Hydrate you so that you have energy all day, so that you may enjoy all of your senses in the fullest capacity.

Blueberries – Loaded with Omega 3’s that are amazing for your brain. Providing you with the ability to reason consciously, to dream and dare to be all that you are.

Liken to your own life you have this unique ability that only YOU have. Do you know what it is?

I encourage you to approach life the same way…  my first green drink in the morning is an opportunity to declare what my purpose is. Having this definite purpose with everything you do will add years to your life…

Quality time spent with your kids, family and the people you love!

2) The Proactive Juicer

If you have been juicing for any period of time you will know that it is amazing for preventative care. Maybe you’ve been juicing for a couple of years and have not been ill. Maybe your child was constantly getting sick and then you started giving them living juice and they no longer experience this.

In life it is important to take massive action and go for what you want. Don’t wait for someday.

Someday is not a day of the week.

3) Why Juice? Juan

What is your why? Why do you want supreme health? The quicker we can make it about something that is deeply profound and meaningful to you, you will be able to hit your health and fitness goals.

4) The Loving Juicer

It is a deeply rooted human need to feel appreciated and sometimes we do so much for people, that we often forget about ourselves.

Having your first juice in the morning is a very compassionate move that you can make. It sends a signal to every cell of your body that you do indeed love you. The more you can vibrate in this positive state of love the more love will show up at your doorstep.

Awaken the love that has been sleeping within you…

5) Synergistic Juicer

Adding coconut water to your juice increases the assimilation of certain nutrients by 40%.

Adding black pepper to Turmeric increases the healing effects by 10,000!


This can be applied to life as well. Adding certain people to different occasions is one of the surest ways. The people we love make life awesome!

Who are some of the people that you deeply care about that you don’t see enough?

What is it about them that you love the most? Do you remember a time when you were with them that just meant the world to you?

Remember this time and revisit it often. Successful juicers are always grateful and re-creating moments liken to this.

6) The Giving Juicer juiceDM1403_228x299

A successful juicer gives the nutrients to themselves without second guessing it. Not only do they deeply care about their own life they give to others freely without thinking about it. It’s what makes them… them!

In fact many of the most successful juicers I’ve met have made it their life purpose to give. It’s like they’ve come to this planet just to lift other people up.

There is no greater exercise in life, then reaching down and lifting other people up!

7) The Understanding Juicer

The most effective juicers are the ones that listen with an empathetic heart.

When you really tune into your intuitive nature you will be able to listen to your body and what juicing ingredients you should have that day. Also, if you don’t have a juice you will really start to feel it. Have you ever craved juice? I know I have!

With people, it’s similar; when we have an open mind and gentle heart, people will feel more comfortable sharing themselves.

So now that we’ve talked about the 7 Habits Of Highly Successful Juicers, it’s time for you to pick one…

1) Juicing A Grand Purpose

2) The Proactive Juicer

3) Why Juice?

4) Juice Up Your “You” Love

5) Synergize The Ingredients Of Juice

6) The Giving Juice

7) Understanding Your Juice

Work diligently on each one of these and overtime your life will change. If you would love our help at Fitlife feel free to check out this educational presentation on a program I’ve dedicated a lot of time to. It could be the very thing you need to propel you into a much juicer life!

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The Good Mood Juice

Written By Tamara Buschel

Have you ever tasted something that made you feel so happy that you couldn’t help but smile? I have and I am so excited to share this juice recipe with you today. This juice reminds me of the sensation my mouth would experience when I would eat sour candy as a kid. The insides of my cheeks would pucker in delight and a huge smile would spread across my face as the sweet flavor would evolve.

This juice contains apples, lemons, ginger, and cayenne pepper. This is a cleansing juice high in vitamin C that is sure to please your taste buds. Adjust the taste by switching up the variety of apples that you use and the amount of lemons.

The burst of lemon followed by the sweetness of the apples makes this a sure winner. The added ginger and cayenne pepper gives it another boost that is sure to make your insides and outsides smile.

Liquid Gold Juice


Serves 2

5 apples

3-4 lemons, rind removed

1 inch fresh ginger, skin removed

A dash of cayenne pepper

Juice, pour, and enjoy.

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The Three Most Important Medicines

I have been studying fitness for almost 25 years. If I had to reduce the current health issues facing humanity down to one common denominator, I would say that humans have a Dosage Problem. As human beings, we can’t seem to apply the right dosage to the most important aspects of our health and fitness. Before I explain this deeper, let me cover a quick example of “dosages” that should be familiar to everyone:

If you had a headache and I said that 2 aspirin could alleviate the problem, would you take the whole bottle instead?

When I ask people this question, they commonly look at me, laugh and say, “Of course not.” When I ask them, “Why Not?” they tell me that it would be dangerous. They go on further to say that too much medicine would be an “overdose” and that this improper dosage could actually kill you. As a result of this widely held (and appropriate) belief, we diligently read the instructions on medicinal bottles and follow the dosage recommendations of our physicians to the letter. Then I ask them another question:

If you had a headache and I said that 2 aspirin could alleviate the problem, would you do nothing instead?

When I ask people this question, most people say, “No, I would just take the two aspirin. You said it would work, right?” Some people that don’t take medicines may state they wouldn’t take any due to their beliefs, but my point is just used to get you to recognize that an underdose of stimuli to the body can also leave you with, or increase potential problems. This second question ultimately reminds us that an underdose of an important need of the body can be as dangerous as an overdose.

In regards to dosages, it seems like everyone respects medicine, right? Wrong. To me, exercise, food, and sleep are the three most important medicines for the body. In fact, I believe that if we took the correct dosages of these medicines, we probably wouldn’t need most of the prescribed medicines that are consumed daily in the first place! But, alas, most people just can’t seem to get the dose right. We fill our plates with too much of the wrong things and overdose on food. We can’t turn our television, computer or stress off and underdose on sleep. We inherently know these dosages can hurt us, but we cannot control ourselves. Now, even exercise has fallen into this category. All of the sedentary adults and children of the world are simply underdosing with activity. Humanity doesn’t have a eating, sleeping, or exercise knowledge problem, we have a eating, sleeping and exercise dosage problem.

I believe we know what to do. We just don’t do what we know. Ask anyone for the correct dosage of sleep they need and they will tell you 7 or 8 hours. Ask people to name 10 healthy foods and they will rip off a quick list with 100% accuracy. Ask about a healthy amount of exercise per week and people know the statistics. Ask how many follow their own suggestions…well, that is a different story. We essentially know the dosages on the label, we are unfortunately not taking them as seriously as an over-the-counter product in our medicine cabinet.

The purpose of this blog was to get you to view your food, sleep and training like medicine. Not only do I challenge you to choose the correct medication, but also to take the correct dose. I am no doctor, but here is the prescription of the dosages of the “three most important medicines” I would recommend each week.


Take 7-8 hours of this per night. Dosage should be applied preferably at night with eyes closed in a horizontal position and all distractions removed. Take with a 12 ounce glass of water. Warning: Appropriate dosage will have you feeling refreshed and energized.

2. Vitamins F and V

Take 5-7 servings of F and V throughout the day. Excellent name brands of these would be Broccoli, Blueberries, Spinach, Tomatoes, and the All-New Sweet Potato. These can be taken at varying temperatures. Note: These can be mixed without a fear or dizziness or drowsiness.


Take 4-5 hour servings per week. This product can be used by children and adults. Correct application will lead to increased heart rate and perspiration. Excellent choices are sprinting or repetitively lifting something heavy. Side effects: This medication may result in muscle growth, bone gain and feelings of confidence.


Once you begin to follow the recommendations above, the consequences of improper dosages should be easy to understand. If you underdose on food, you will lack nutrients. If you overdose on food, you will gain fat. If you underdose on sleep, you will lose health. If you overdose on sleep, you will lose productivity. If you underdose on exercise, you will lose muscle. If you overdose on exercise, you will increase the chance of injury.

You have your prescription. Try it for a week. You know what to do. Now it is time to do what you know.

– See more at:

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10 Amazing Benefits of Pink (Himalayan) Salt

By Amanda Ennett

Imagine everyone sitting down for a big family feast. The best china set gently upon silk cloth, crystals brimming with fresh apple-cinnamon-ginger juice. An array of baked, steamed and sautéed vegetables decorate the table. Suddenly Grandma reaches for the salt, startled she rears back and exclaims, “Why is the salt PINK?!”

Oh Grandma, “Its Himalayan salt, and it’s wonderful!” 


The Himalayan mountain range stretches across Asia passing through China, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and India. Most people associate the Himalayans with Mount Everest, the highest peak on this planet, but here is something new to think about- salt.

Once upon a time (a couple of hundreds of millions of years ago) crystallized sea salt beds, now deep within the Himalayans, were covered by lava. Aside from being kept it in a pristine environment that has been surrounded by snow and ice year round, the lava is thought to have protected the salt from modern-day pollution leading to the belief that Himalayan Pink salt is the purest salt to be found on earth. It is now hand-mined from the mountains and brought to the culinary market.

Why Pink? 

The many hues of pink, red and white are an indication of this salt’s rich and varying mineral and energy-rich iron content.


In the same manner that vitamins and minerals are perfectly packaged in fruits and vegetables, because this salt was formed naturally the minerals within the sodium work in synergy.

(Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects.)

Iodine- Natural salts are rich in iodine, so it doesn’t need to be artificially added in.

Less sodium consumed per serving- Himalayan salt is made of the same components as table salt but since the crystal structure is larger than refined salt, and by volume- this salt therefore has LESS sodium per 1/4 t. serving- because the sea salt crystals or flakes take up less room on a teaspoon than highly refined tiny table salt grains.

Packs a hearty 80+ minerals and elements- Himalayan salts are mineral packed crystals which formed naturally within the earth made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% other trace minerals including: sulphate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, strontium, and fluoride (in descending order of quantity).

Because of these minerals Himalayan pink salt can:

  • Create an electrolyte balance
  • Increases hydration
  • Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells
  • Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid reflux
  • Prevent muscle cramping
  • Aid in proper metabolism functioning
  • Strengthen bones
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Help the intestines absorb nutrients
  • Prevent goiters
  • Improve circulation
  • Dissolve and eliminate sediment to remove toxins

It is even said to support libido, reduce the signs of aging, and detoxify the body from heavy metals.

Pink Salt vs. Sea Salt

Even though pink salts come from the mountains, they are technically sea salts as well. All salt comes from a salted body of water—namely, an ocean or salt-water lake. However, Himalayan salt is said to be the purest form of sea salt.

Why Table Salt is Inferior

Commercial refined salt is not only stripped of all its minerals, besides sodium and chloride, but is also chemically cleaned, bleached and heated at unnecessary high temperatures.

In addition, it is treated with anti-caking agents which prevent salt from mixing with water in the salt container. These agents also prevent dissolving within our system leading to build up and then deposit in organs and tissue, causing severe health problems.

Finally, the iodine that is added into salt is usually synthetic which is difficult for your body to process properly. Shockingly under U.S. law, up to 2% of table salt can be additives.

The Many Uses of Pink Salt

Cooking and curing– use pre-ground salt or grinders like any other salt.

Salt Slabs– used as serving platters, the slabs will impart an enhanced salt taste and mineral content. Chilled: decorate with fruits, sushi, vegetables or cheese. Frozen: present cold desserts and even sorbets. Heated: use the slabs to sear vegetables, shrimp, fish fillets or thinly sliced beef or even to fry an egg. The dense salt blocks conduct heat beautifully with near perfect heat distribution.

Best of all, Himalayan salt is naturally anti-microbial, so clean up requires just a quick scrub or rinse.

Decoration– use the salts in containers, as décor crystals and sprinkled on food for presentation.

Bathing- throw in the tub for a detoxifying Himalayan salt bath. The replenishing nutrients stimulate circulation and soothe sore muscles. Naturally rich in 80+ nourishing and skin-replenishing minerals, bathing with pink bath salt is a healing and therapeutic experience for mind and body.

Potpourri Holders and Essential Oil Diffusers– many on-line sites sell beautiful home décor featuring the pink salt as crystal rocks.

Air purification– crystal rock lamps for air purification are also found and sold on-line.

Hopefully now you will not be as shocked as Grandma when you reach for the salt shaker and find pink crystals staring back at you!

If you eat meat, brining should be in your bag of tools. Brining makes meat very juice and succulent! Here’s is an extremely simple recipe for it.

Basic low sodium brine for pork and poultry. (Brine will work for up to 8 lbs. of protein.)


  • 1 gallon water
  • 3 ounces sea salt
  • 3 ounces sugar (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp. citrus zest (lemon, lime or orange – optional)


  • Add the salt, sugar and other aromatics to a pot and bring the water to a simmer until the salt and sugar have dissolved.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and chill before using the brine.
  • Let your protein brine for 6 hours.
  • Drain the protein, and let it rest and air dry in fridge for 2 hours.
  • Roast, broil or grill as you would!

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