
How Much Protein Do You REALLY Need?

By Dave Ruel

Protein Label Misconceptions

The very first thing that you need to get straight regarding your protein conception is the fact that labels can be highly misleading.  Many people will pick up a food product and look at the nutritional stats.

They see that the food fills up 20% of their daily protein requirement and think it’s going to really help them meet their needs.

Only what they fail to realize is that the 20% listed on the package label is based on those who are not participating in physical activity and don’t have a very lean physique in mind.

These labels are based upon the average individual simply looking to sustain health.  For most of you reading this, you want more.

Protein Based On Activity

So how much protein do you need?  As someone who’s actively taking part in both strength training and cardiovascular exercise, your protein needs are going to go up.  You’ll be breaking down lean muscle mass each day you enter the gym and unless you’re feeding your body the amino acids to repair this tissue, progress will not be seen.

A good guideline to use for how much protein you need is one gram per pound for those who are participating in weight lifting exercise.  If you have added cardio activity to that or you’re using a lower calorie diet to help burn off some body fat, you may want to increase this up to 1.0-1.5 grams per pound to be safe.  There is a higher chance that your body could start burning up protein for fuel in either of these cases, so you must make sure you have enough.

Those who are not participating in any sort of structured workout program typically only need 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per pound, so you can easily see the difference exercise makes.

Protein Intake Based On Body Type

Another factor to consider in the protein requirement equation is what type of body you have.  Those who are mesomorphs and store body fat easier may want to increase their protein intake slightly higher and reduce their carbohydrate and fat consumption as this can help keep them leaner.

They should use closer to the 1.5 grams per pound range as stated above.

Ectomorphs, on the other hand, who naturally have speedy metabolisms and burn off energy very quickly will want to focus more of their diet on the two energy providing macronutrients, carbs, and fats, so the lower range for protein of one gram per pound should be sufficient.

Mesomorphs who build muscle quite easily will do well simply following the outlines stated above.

Questioning Your Protein Source

Finally, the last thing to note is where you’re getting your protein from.  In an ideal world, you would want to get a mix of protein from foods as well as powders as each has their benefits.

Protein powder is digested rapidly and perfect for after a workout, and in addition to this it’s a very high quality source of protein.

Protein from whole foods such as chicken, beef, eggs, and fish are going to supply you with a wealth of additional nutrients, so this can really come in helpful when promoting optimal health.

Other sources that are personal favorites of mine are elk, bison and duck. By getting a good variety, you’ll get the benefits of both worlds.

Aim for about 70-80% of your protein intake to come from whole food and the remaining 20-30% to come from protein powders.



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3 Major Fat Loss MISTAKES

AVOID these 3 mistakes and start burning fat faster!

by Dr. Kareem Samhouri – CSCS, HFS
Neuro Metabolic Fitness & Rehab Expert
Author of the popular program:  Abs Strength Guide

If you want to lose stubborn abdominal fat faster, don’t make these 3 common fat loss mistakes below…

1. Relying on Abs-Specific Training:

For some reason, the misconception of spot reduction continues.  No argument has ever convinced me that you can lose fat in a specific area by contracting the muscle in that specific area.  Fat loss just does not work this way.  Yet for some reason, we see hundreds of people every day at the gym doing hundreds of crunches and situps and thinking that they are somehow burning fat from their abdomen, when in reality, they’re just wasting time!

Fat loss is a systemic effect that takes place as your body morphs into a healthier you.  Fat storage patterns vary person to person according to hormonal levels, genetic fat storage patterns, myofascial restrictions, and inflammation.  Reducing body fatin those areas through exercise is only done if you are working to modify hormonal levels that have related fat storage areas, for example.

However, there has yet to be convincing evidence that you can do tricep presses, for example, and lose fat in the back of your arms… Just doesn’t work that way.  The same is true with your abs.  In this case, even if you do 3000 sit ups per day, you wouldn’t be doing much for fat loss.  Fat loss is about:

1. Energy system training
2. Compound movements targeting many joints at once
3. Muscle balancing
4. Motor unit recruitment, and
5. Multi-planar movement

It’s impossible to add all of the above into an abs exercise, or even a series of abs exercises.  The goal is to tire as much of your body as possible, to a safe extreme.  This is referred to as momentary muscular failure, and it’s when lactic acid onset takes place.  Remember, lactic acid, which is what makes you sore, is a very good thing.  It means your body is working hard to reduce inflammation and repair.  You’re well on your way to rapid fat loss.  You’ll see incredible results when you accept this:

I believe muscle soreness following a fat loss workout should be a 5 – 7 (on a 0 to 10 scale), most of the time, where:

0 = no pain whatsoever, no muscle soreness
10 = extreme muscle soreness, emergency level

This is a big wake-up call for a lot of people, but it may just shed light on why you’re not seeing the fat loss results for which you were hoping.
2. Low To Moderate Intensity Cardio For Long Duration:

Walking.  This, alone, simply won’t work for long-term fat loss results. It may work at first for somebody who is extremely obese and has been sedentary, but not for most people.  While I strongly believe in the benefits of walking for stress relief, personal time, reflection with movement, blood pressure and cholesterol modification, etc., I do not consider it a good method to lose body fat.

Losing fat is about shocking your body and stimulating a repair process.  Giving your body the chance to adapt to a demand over time doesn’t help you lose fat quickly.  Sure, you can see some initial results, often masked as ‘toning’, but in the end you’re turning your Type IIa muscle fibers (oxidative-glycolytic, or medium speed fibers) to Type I (oxidative, or slow muscle fibers that have great endurance).  The only trouble is that the Type II muscle fibers do a much better job of getting you lean.

By stimulating muscular strength (not necessarily “bulking”) you are enhancing your metabolism.  It takes energy to build and restore lean muscle tissue.  Allowing it to grow consumes a bit more energy, but you don’t have to bulk up to see great results.  Rather, just create a muscle repair process while stimulating your metabolism with fat-burning foods and you’ll see your results go wild.

After a full-body resistance-based alternation-style workout session, you’ll spike your metabolism for 2-3 days as your body re-uptakes the lactic acid from your bloodstream, restores oxygen to the muscle tissue you’ve worked, and repairs the micro-tears that took place in your muscles.  Supersets or circuits in full body workouts is one example of this, and interval training accomplishes this too, but what if we take things a step further and get you off a machine?

I suggest that we alternate body parts, directions, speeds, intensities, and muscle synergies, or pairs.  Alternation in any form, even when the intensity is a bit lower, is still a rapid fat loss signal to your body.  You’re sure to see wild fat-burning results once you start thinking about fat loss as “shocking the fat away”.
3. Caloric Restriction:

Caloric restriction = muscle starvation = fat loss grinds to a halt.

Muscle requires calories to grow.  Without some degree of muscle growth, it will atrophy under duress.  If you’re exercising intensely, which you should be, your muscle will be eating itself to survive.

It’s really important that you feed your system so it can grow and maintain its level of function.  Your body requires food for muscle repair, concentration, heart health, and digestive health.  Regular meals are best.  There are 2 schools of thought with eating for fat loss:

1. Eat 3 meals per day and up to 2 snacks.
2. Eat 5-6 small meals per day.

Normally, I recommend #2, because I find this is a great way to ensure you are not snacking on things that are bad for you, because you are eating healthy small meals often enough.  Also, I tend to never feel hungry when I’m eating on this schedule.  That’s very helpful for fat loss.

Contrarily, eating 3 meals per day seems like it should also allow you ample time to digest and re-spike your metabolism.  I believe there should be a small bout of exercise in between each meal if you choose this approach.  If thats the goal, let’s go at it.

Again, my recommendation is 5-6 meals/day, where you pre-plan your week’s meals over the weekend, cook many meals at once, and prepare yourself for fat loss.  The most helpful resource I’ve read to date, on this, is Fat Burning Kitchen.  I recommend you read this also.

Most importantly, make sure you are getting enough calories.  Yes, you do need a caloric deficit to lose fat over a certain time period, but taking your daily calories too low can reduce your metabolism and halt your fat loss.

Under no circumstance should an active female eat less than 1300 calories or an active male eat less than 1500 calories when trying to lose weight.  Within a few months of coaching, most of my female clients are eating 1800 – 2000 calories, and my male clients are eating 2100 – 2800 calories.  …and they keep losing fat faster and faster.  The goal should be to stimulate your metabolism to be able to eat more, not less.

In summary, there are 3 major fat loss mistakes you absolutely want to avoid:

1. Low to moderate intensity cardio for long duration – great way for your body to adapt to exercise and stop burning fat.  Plus, you’re converting your muscle fibers to the wrong type.

2. Abs-specific training – 3000 sit ups and no result?  That’s just depressing.  Train for full body systemic fat loss.  You’ll be glad you did.

3. Caloric restriction = starving muscle = no more fat loss; instead, make the goal to eat more and build more fat-burning muscle to ramp up your metabolism, permanently.

I specialize in helping people just like you burn fat at absolutely ridiculous rates.  I’ve focused on this for 12 years now, and I’ve even added advanced physical therapy techniques that exploit how your nervous system works to get you results faster than anything you’ve ever seen.  I’d like to teach you all about this awesome method that has people losing fat at record speed with these 2 special gifts below:

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15 Easy Tips For Rapid Fat Melting

Follow these simple tips from registered dietitian Jayson Hunter, the Head of Research and Development for Prograde Nutrition, for a lean and healthy body.

  1. Eat 4-6 small meals day a day instead of the usual 2-3 large meals. Eating frequently will help regulate and boost your metabolism to burn more calories.
  2. Consume whole foods that are high in fiber and low in sugar, such as lean protein sources (lean beef, chicken, fish, and whey protein), fruits & vegetables (oranges, apples, strawberries, blueberries, broccoli, peppers, asparagus, carrots, nuts (almonds, cashews, & walnuts), and whole grains.
  3. Eat low-glycemic carbohydrates such as vegetables, whole-wheat products and oatmeal instead of refined processed carbohydrates which usually come in a box or a bag.
  4. Consume 25-35 grams of fiber per day. Fiber will help satisfy hunger pangs as well as control insulin and blood sugar levels which tend to promote fat storage.
  5. Eat some type of lean protein at each meal. Protein helps to satisfy hunger and provide the necessary building blocks to maintain lean body mass while losing body fat.
  6. Consume adequate amounts of healthy fat foods such as olive oil, walnuts, almonds, Omega-3 fortified eggs, or other Omega-3 products.  Healthy fats are great antioxidants as well as help with brain function and many other essential processes that take place in the body on a daily basis. Essential Fatty Acids also help prevent certain diseases.
  7. Eat 5-10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day to meet your micronutrient needs.  Vegetables also contain a good amount of fiber and help to control appetites and curb hunger. Additionally, VGF25+ provides the power-packed nutrition of 25 whole vegetables, greens, and fruits in a convenient “super pill.”
  8. Consume Green Tea or Water instead of calorie-filled drinks such as soft drinks.  Green Tea has many health benefits and you should be drinking 1ml of non-caffeinated fluid for every calorie that you consume. This works out between (8-12) 8oz glasses of Green Tea or Water a day.
  9. Balance your fat intake for the day.  One-third should come from saturated fats, 1/3 from monounsaturated fats, and 1/3 from polyunsaturated fats. Again, ensure you’re consuming antioxidant-rich Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids by incorporating EFA Icon into your nutritional plan.
  10. Consistent fat loss requires good habits. If you want to create good habits, then you need plan. Therefore, map out your meals every day and follow them. If you follow your plan everyday for 2-3 weeks, you will form habits that become part of your daily routine and part of your life.
  11. Incorporate “superfoods” into your meal plan on a daily basis. Some examples are salmon, low-fat plain yogurt, tomatoes, spinach, mixed berries, whole oats, mixed nuts, olive oil, flax seeds(or flax meal), green tea, and various beans. Many of the super nutrition found in these “superfoods” are also found in VGF25+.
  12. Keep total fat intake under 30% for the day.  This can easily be accomplished by avoiding “extra” fats such as butter, sour cream, mayonnaise… This doesn’t mean you have to completely eliminate these items, just use them sparingly and avoid adding them to foods whenever possible.
  13. EXERCISE! Yes, you can lose weight just by changing your eating habits. But very few people succeed long-term – and it takes much longer to lose fat – when they don’t exercise. And something most people don’t realize is, just how critical ingesting the research-proven Protein to Carbohydrate ratio is to optimizing the results of your workout efforts.
  14. Record what you eat and drink. You will be amazed by what you find. Keeping a food journal is critical to your success because you need it to evaluate and analyze your current eating patterns. If your fat loss efforts are stagnant, the answer can usually be found in your food journal.
  15. Follow the 90% rule. If you can follow your plan 90% of the time, you will soon see unwanted fat melt off your body. However, if you find yourself breaking these rules more than 90% of the time, your chances of failing increase significantly.

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Balancing Out Your Nutrition: Acid/Alkaline

By Dave Ruel

For many people, when they go about setting up their diet plan filled with muscle building foods, the major focus is on how many calories they’re consuming, how much protein they’re taking in, and what their carb and fat levels are.

Most people will also make note to try and take in as many non-processed forms of carbs as possible as it’s becoming clearly evident that refined carbs are one of the leading cause of obesity today.

In addition to this, you also likely know that saturated and trans fat is to be avoided as part of your muscle building foods list and are working hard to keep only the healthy sources in.

But, one element of a diet that far too often goes completely overlooked is the acid/alkaline balance.  This balance can also play a key role on the progress you’re making as well and possibly even more importantly, how you feel on a day to day basis.

Let’s take a look at what you need to know about this vital element.

The Question Of PH Balance

On average, most people are consuming a diet that is far too high in acid rich foods and low in alkaline foods.  This can lead to numerous negative health effects such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, feelings of confusion, muscle weakness, diarrhea, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, as well as feelings of nausea.

In addition to this, being in a constantly acidic state can promote the accumulation of additional body fat as the body is trying to store the excess acids and keep them away from your internal organs.

To maintain higher energy levels so that you can more effectively build muscle and burn fat, a proper PH balance is a must.

Acid Foods To Be Careful Of

So which foods are those that promote an acidic environment? Muscle building foods that are commonly consumed that can place you in a more acidic state include most animal proteins, most oils, nuts and nut butters, beans and oatmeal.

But dont worry, this doesn’t mean that you should never eat these foods. Don’t worry, I will give the solution below in this post.

Beer and coffee are also highly acidic on the beverage side of things, so limiting your consumption is a very smart idea.  Processed carbohydrate-rich foods also tend to rank in higher on the acidity scale, so working to avoid those as you hopefully already are will help you maintain a more favourable condition in your body.

Alkaline Foods To Choose More Often

So that brings us to the foods that you should be adding more of to your diet – muscle building foods that promote a more alkaline state.  The top choices here include almonds, avocados, carrots, spinach, cabbage, as well as potatoes. Also, morst fruits are very good Alkaline sources.

Essentially, most vegetables and fruits will help keep you in a much higher alkaline state, so your diet should be very rich in these foods.

Restoring Balance

So by eating more fruits and vegetables to your diet, you should start to notice improvements you should start to notice improvements in how you’re feeling and functioning on a daily basis.  This will really help you along with the muscle building process as you’ll find you’re able to generate more force during each workout session and recover faster as well.

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Popeye Must Have Known Something About Spinach

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

When I was a kid, my mom used to dump a pile of spinach on our plates and expect us to eat it.  All I can remember is the foul smell and how gross the spinach looked and tasted.  She would always remind me, “If you want to be strong like Popeye, then eat your spinach!”

Yes, it is true, I was a very big Popeye fan.  Come to find out, Popeye did teach me a thing or two.

Remember when Popeye ate the spinach and he got stronger?  Ever wonder why?

Research published in Cell Metabolism shows just how powerful spinach is.   Even though the exact mechanism is not clear, they found increasing your intake of spinach can make the body more efficient.    The research found by eating spinach or other vegetables, which have higher levels of inorganic nitrates, can lead to the mitochondria working better.   Result:  lower oxygen demand during cardiovascular work!  Impressive! There is more!

The most power-packed vegetable on the market today, spinach is a pile of nutrition.  Spinach provides you with plenty of fiber, and is chock full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals helping the body function optimally.

Research is now coming out on how beneficial spinach can be, and the exact role it plays in our health.

When I am really hungry, the last thing on my mind is spinach.  But research shows, incorporating spinach in combination with complex carbs and lean proteins helps you feel fuller, longer, due to the fiber found in spinach.   The fiber has been linked to reducing blood sugar levels immediately following a meal – great news if you want to lose weight!

Spinach not only helps control appetite by improving the feeling of satisfaction, it can reduce blood pressure.

Spinach has inorganic nitrates.  Once spinach enters our mouths, saliva starts to break down the spinach into a usable form of energy.  After leaving the mouth, it enters the stomach where the acid and enzymes break down the nitrates into nitrite or nitric oxide.

What do nitrites and nitric oxide have to do with health?

The nitrite, or the nitric oxide, has been shown to reduce blood pressure by opening up the veins and arteries which might be constricted or narrowed.   Nitric oxide acts is a vasodilator which can help lower blood pressure.  How quickly? The inorganic nitrates start working in as little as 3-4 hours after you eat it!  Some people think inorganic nitrates are bad for you.  However, the inorganic nitrates found in spinach have more benefits than not eating it at all.

Spinach is one of the foods highest in inorganic nitrates.  Spinach also has plenty of fiber, high levels of vitamins A and K, and plenty of Folate.

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