I was talking to one of my personal training clients earlier this morning who just got back from her vacation in Italy.
She mentioned that Italians consume a lot of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in their dishes and yet, they are able to stay lean.
How can a pure fat food make you get lean and healthier? The truth is that all fats are not created equal.
You probably didn’t know, but I have been taking a shot of olive oil for over a year. It is the only vegetable oil that can be consumed as is.
Olive oil contains a high level of Oleic Acid which is a monounsaturated fatty acids.
Research shown oleic acid helps prevent heart disease by stabilizing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels while increasing the HDL (the “good” cholesterol) levels.
Not only that, olive oil helps prevent your body from producing cancer cells and can even control your blood sugar levels.
All types of olive oil contain monounsaturated fat, but I recommend “extra-virgin” because it is the least processed form.
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