Getting Off The Wagon

by Sean Barker.

Here is my 3 step quick start guide to getting back to clean living after your vacation.

1. Fitness

Workout, don’t wait! Get that fat burning furnace going again with your workouts. Even though we still weren’t unpacked, the next morning after we got home I pulled some workout clothes out of my luggage and hit the gym for a Dad Fitness workout. If you take up to 2 weeks off from training like I did for summer vacation, ease back into your workouts slowly. Cut your weight and reps in half for the first week or so to avoid debilitating soreness.

2. Food

Shop and Chop. Even before I hit the gym the next morning my wife and I hit the supermarket to restock our house with REAL food. I like to call it Easy Eating. 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and nothing out of a box or can except maybe beans and oatmeal. Lots of lean meats, nuts, fruits and veggies. I was so sick of restaurant food after vacation, so I use that extra motivation to get started right away and not only shop for lots of good healthy food, but chop it to make meals in minutes.

3. Fasting

Fast for Fat Loss. My good friend Brad Pilon and the author of the popular book Eat Stop Eat turned me on to the health benefits of intermittent fasting a few years ago. I was highly IMPRESSED with the physical and mental benefits of fasting for just 24 hours once a week or periodically like after letting your diet go during vacation. So after having my final vacation meal for lunch at a restaurant on the drive home I decided my stomach could use a break from food after the pounding it got on vacation. So I fasted for 24 hours, drank lots of cold clean water and broke the fast after my mid-morning workout starting with a Super Shake of whey protein, mixed berries,spinach, greens powder, plain yogurt, and a banana. Then had a veggie omelette with an orange shortly after.

Remember a weekly caloric reduction through diet and exercise, no matter how you do it is still the only proven way to lose fat.