Jeff’s Story (PBS-Prune Belly Syndrome)

It’s been a second since I have written anything, but now I’ve been trying to gear up for this New Year of 2011.

Jeff and I (I’d call him Jeffrey when I had to get his attention) did not grow up together, but we would act like brothers when we got around each other. He was and will always be my brother in Christ.

Jeff dealt  with PBS (Prune Belly syndrome) all his life.

What is PBS? (Prune Belly Syndrome)

Also known as Eagle-Barrett syndrome, prune belly syndrome is characterized by three main features:

-Anterior abdominal wall musculature (“stomach muscles”) deficient or absent

-Urinary tract anomalies (such as a very large bladder)

The incidence of prune belly syndrome is about 1 in 40,000 births; 95% of cases occur in males. In the past, it was suggested that the abdominal wall was deformed by pressure from a distended bladder due to bladder outlet obstruction in utero. Currently, it is thought that prune belly syndrome is a multisystem disease complex which derives from a primary defect in mesodermal development at about 8 weeks’ gestation.

The major prognostic factor is the degree of dilation of the urinary tract; 20% of patients are stillborn, 30% die of renal failure or urosepsis within the first two years of life, and the remaining 50% have varying degrees of urinary pathology.

The average age of the person with disease lives till the age of 10, Jeff lived till the age of 41. Jeff was a fighter, and was on the road of being A.L.I.VE. Surprisingly, he lived and left us on his birthday.

Jeff was my webmaster for all of the sites and projects we had been working on. Many things were in the works. Jeff I promise you, I’ll continue moving in those directions to make those dreams become a reality.

Opinionated, yet compassionate. Funny, yet loving. I can say that with both our faults and all, we were friends.

A talented writer, sometimes D.J., political analyst, sometime radio D.J., and all around Internet guru… you were my go to guy.

With your famous tag line that you would sign off in your articles “ If I don’t see you down here, I hope to see you up there”… Till me meet again my friend, till we meet again.


1 thought on “Jeff’s Story (PBS-Prune Belly Syndrome)”

  1. Hi:
    My name is James Glazner, and I’m sorry about jeff, passing away. I realize the pain Jeff, went through. Because I’m a victim of Prune Belly Syndrome. I was born with this disease at birth. I was born on May 23, 1953. I was suppose to have died at birth, but for some season the Lord God let me live. Believe me I’ve had a hard time with this disease also. I have to say that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, has really bless me through the years. I still have problems with my stomach. I don’t know how long the Lord, will let me be here on this earth, until He takes me home to be with Him. God Bless.

    Yours Truly: James Glazner

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