Psalms 105
4. Seek the LORD and His strength;
Seek His face continually.

Sometimes when we can’t see the end (or the goal) in sight we begin to go in other directions. I’ve been a victim of this too. I know I’ve posed the question to lord “Are you sure this is the direction?”, knowing good and well he point me in this direction, told me why, and yet my mental capacity told me to do something else, and got me somewhere I wasn’t suppose to be. Some would call it the “Jonah syndrome” (read the story if your unaware). Once back in the direction I was suppose to stay on I began to realize that I was lacking in something…confidence. The bible says to “Trust in the lord in all your ways”, not some of your ways. Trust is the attitude of confidence. When you are confident in how you look, your attitude is “I trust that I look good”, when you are confident in knowledge, your attitude is “I trust what I know”. What are you LACKing in? Talk to the lord, listen, trust him, and get on track.