Monday Motivation: Grace

Good morning Spartans and fellow competitors! Jean here with your Monday Motivation on my way home from an epic weekend in Vegas.

Major shoutout to everyone who raced this weekend and conquered those courses. It was so inspiring to see you push your limits out there! Chad, Eric, TJ, and my podium finishers – you all made me proud.

Knowing I played a small role in motivating you fills me with humility and gratitude. It is an honor to speak life into your journeys.

That brings me to today’s topic – grace. With tensions high lately, grace seems in short supply.

Yet freely giving grace is key to living fully. Grace means extending mercy not resentment, empathy not judgment.

When someone wrongs you, grace says “I forgive”. When you fall short, grace says “I understand”. Grace gives others – and yourself – room to be imperfect humans.

This week, lead with grace. Offer compassion freely and judgment sparingly. Give the benefit of the doubt. Surrender resentment and embrace understanding.

Grace has the power to heal relationships and unlock growth. By lifting others up, you lift yourself.

Live gracefully, race gracefully, and spread goodness everywhere you go. Shine bright out there!

If this resonated, please subscribe to keep these weekly motivations coming. Together, we rise. This is Jean signing off, now go be extraordinary!