Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – Super Method #2 (Anabolic Burst Cycling)

by Joel Marion

I went over Super Method #1 – MEGA Carb Loading, and today I’d like to share a different, yet enormously effective method called Anabolic Burst Cycling through Diet and Exercise (ABCDE).

To be honest, the whole ABCDE approach is rather old news. I first read about it back in Muscle Media 2000 (man, I miss that magazine) some ten years ago when Bill Phillips interviewed some crazy under-the-radar dude named Torbjorn Akerfeldt.


Good ol’ Tori went on to unveil some interesting scientific theory over the course of a 4-part article series (and this was in a PRINT magazine, so it left you hanging for an entire MONTH before you got to see part 2, 3, 4, etc…and you thought waiting for my next blog post was bad!) along with the basic guidelines of his approach for cycling periods of overfeeding and underfeeding in short bursts (2 weeks at a time).

To give you a simple explanation of the ABCDE approach, you eat a bunch of calories along with intense, high volume muscle building workouts (minimal cardio) for 2 weeks, then transition into a rather strict, intensive diet with a ton of cardio.

The principles are based on research that Akerfeldt shared showing that when overfeeding, anabolic hormones reach their peak after two weeks, while continuing to “bulk” after that point leads to more fat gain and less muscle gain (diminishing returns).

The same thing was observed with regards to fat loss and fat burning enzymes – 2 weeks and then things tend to slow.

So why not take advantage of those “magic” 2 weeks and then when things tend to slow down, then switch gears and take advantage of another magic 2 but while concentrating on the opposite goal.

This is the theory anyway, and for the most part, it works quite well.

There are several problems with the original outlined plan of attack, however, mainly being that recent gains in lean mass are easily reversed when you jump right into a severe calorie restricted diet thereafter (especially with a ton of added cardio).

In reality, you’d need a little assistance (i.e. drugs – not recommended) to make this type of extremely cycling really work.

Fortunately, going with a more moderate approach solves this problem.

Here are the guidelines that I recommend when using the ABCDE approach:

1. Two weeks of higher calories along with serious muscle-building workouts (minimal cardio) followed by two weeks of lower calories and intense fat burning workouts (with much less cardio than originally recommended)

2. On higher calorie weeks, use a macro breakdown of 30/45/25 (Protein/Carbs/Fat) and a total calorie intake equal to 18 x Lean Body Mass (total weight – fat weight)

3. On lower calorie weeks, follow a strategic fat loss diet, such as my Cheat Your Way Thin Diet (core phase)

Essentially, it’s very easy. Simply alternate back and forth between mini muscle building and mini fat loss phases of 2-week duration.  The variety alone (both training and diet) is one of the major draws of doing something like this.

Over the course of 12-16 weeks, expect to be significantly leaner with more lean muscle – guaranteed.

Keep rockin!

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Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – Super Method #1

by Joel Marion

In our last post on gaining muscle and losing fat we discussed that while these goals do indeed require different training and nutrition strategies, these strategies are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Meaning: You CAN lose fat and gain muscle simultaneously provided you use a strategic, timed approach.

Also in that post, I loosely gave mention to several different methods to achieve both goals simultaneously, and in these next few posts I want to take a deeper, more specific look at each.

Today’s method: MEGA Carbohydrate Loading


With this type of carb loading, you will consume 50% of your total daily caloric intake and 95% of your daily carbohydrate intake within 3 hours of beginning your muscle building workout.

By doing this, you provide your body with a massive surge of carbs and calories at the exact time that it is most responsive to suck up all those nutrients and use them for muscle repair and recovery.

NOTE:  In order for this to work, you’ve got to be doing INTENSE, high volume workouts.

Go with a macronutrient breakdown of 30% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 30% fat.

Assuming a 45-minute workout, the Mega Carbohydrate Load starts with your pre/during workout beverage, followed by your post workout beverage, followed by a carbohydrate containing protein shake 1/2 hour later, followed by two whole food meals.

The first whole food meal should be consumed 45 minutes after the carb containing protein shake, and then the second whole food meal another 45 minutes later.

The rest of the meals of the day should be protein + fat + veggies (with minimal carbs).

Also, by doing this the bulk of your calorie and carb intake comes at the most anabolic time of the day, and the rest of the time you are actually in a caloric deficit while limiting insulin and carbohydrate.

Here’s an example:

8:00 am: Low-carb protein shake with added fiber; 2 tablespoons of olive oil

10:30 am: 3 eggs plus 4 whites scrambled with 2 slices of cheese; 4 strips of bacon; 1/2 package of spinach

1:00 pm: Low-carb protein bar; 2 oz of dry roasted nuts

3:00 pm: 8 oz Cheeseburger (no bun, wrapped in lettuce); large salad with very low-calorie dressing

5:00 pm (immediately pre-workout): Quickly digested protein/carb beverage

5:45 pm (immediately post-workout): quickly digested protein/carb beverage

6:15 pm: Protein/Carb shake with Skim Milk

7:00 pm: 2 oz of pasta (dry weight); 4 oz of chicken breast; 2 slices of 12-grain bread; package of broccoli

7:45 pm: 2 oz of pasta (dry weight); 4 oz of chicken breast; 2 slices of 12-grain bread; package of asparagus

10:00 pm: Low-carb protein shake with added fiber; 1 tablespoon of olive oil; 2 cups of green beans; 20 grams of fish oil

NOTE: Do not directly copy my diet as it likely calls for far too many calories for your size and build. Instead, copy the structure and the overlying principles based on your own calorie needs. Also, it is fundamentally important to consume just as many green veggies throughout the day in non-workout meals, as is apparent in my example above.

How’s THAT for free content?

Gain Muscle and Lose Fat – Super Method #1 Read More »

HOW to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle – Simultaneously

By Joel Marion

Can it be done?

The answer? Yes. BUT, only with a VERY strategic approach.

Now, in order to understand how these seemingly mutually exclusive goals can be accomplished simultaneously, we need to understand a few things about achieving your goals in general.

First, your goals are a direct result of both your training and nutrition program.

Second, optimal training for fat loss and optimal training to gain muscle are different.

Third, optimal nutritional strategies for fat loss and optimal nutritional strategies for gaining muscle are different.

Let’s take a look at each.


From a caloric balance perspective, in order to gain muscle you need to be taking in surplus levels of calories – there is simply no way around it. Fact is, it’s nearly impossible to gain muscle mass while in a caloric deficit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Conversely, if your goal is to lose body fat, you need to create some sort of caloric deficit (i.e. you are eating less than you burn).

Now, those two situations may indeed seem mutually exclusive, but they’re not.

More on that in a minute.

On to training.

Optimal training for fat loss consists of very metabolically demanding resistance training (think circuit training) coupled with high intensity interval style cardio sessions.

Optimal training for gaining muscle is more a product of using heavier weights, more rest, while still performing a large number of repetitions per session (volume).

Those two things also seem mutually exclusive – but they’re not.

Here’s how:


What if you alternated the two types of workouts throughout the week?

Could you burn fat and gain muscle?

Perhaps, but not likely due to the nutrition issue.

But what if you were to feed your muscles with a surplus of calories on muscle building workout days, and remain in a caloric deficit on other days?

Or what if you were to feed your muscles with a MEGA surplus of calories for the several hours after your muscle building workout (when your muscles are most primed to suck up nutrients and much less likely to convert those extra calories to fat)?

Or what if you were to take small bursts of time to concentrate on building muscle – say, two weeks. And then follow it up with an intense one week fat loss phase? Essentially, over a twelve week period you’d be losing fat and gaining muscle “simultaneously,” unlike those who only do one or the other in that time frame.

Or what if you were to do exclusively muscle building workouts (with a caloric surplus on those days), and then burn excess calories via interval training (and not resistance training) combined with dieting on other days?

There are SO many different ways to do this.

Tune in for more if your ready to transfer.

HOW to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle – Simultaneously Read More »

The PB & J Combo

Who enjoys a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich. … I sure do. Especially when I’m on the run it’s a quick make and sure does taste good.

Most people would choose 100% Whole Wheat bread as a “healthy” option.  I didn’t buy 100% Whole Wheat bread, I bought Ezekial 4:9 Sprouted Grain bread.

Is 100% Whole Wheat bread bad?  No, but Ezekial bread is just 100 times better.  Organic, Sprouted, 100% Whole Grain flourless bread.  And a 2-slice serving even contains 8 grams of complete protein (and 6 grams of fiber).  So yes, it’s better.

Not only did I buy some Ezekial bread, but I also bought some Ezekial flourless tortillas (for my fajitas) – same whole grain, complete protein goodness as above.

So that was the first “healthy” food swap I made.

Second, I bypassed the All Natural Peanut Butter and instead picked up a jar of Enhanced Almond Butter by Naturally More.  Why?  Because Enhanced Almond is like super nut butter, and I’m all about being super.  That and the fact that peanuts are one of the most common food allergens, and when consumed regularly can cause slowed weight loss in those sensitive to it (which is actually the majority of individuals).

In addition to that, Enhanced Almond is also fortified with flaxseeds to give it a nice Omega-3 kick.  Best.  Nutbutter.  Ever.

The jelly is up in the air, less is more because of the sugar. Organic jelly is more of my style, but I’m open to suggestions

Up next was my third food swap, and that was when I passed through the dairy isle.  See you later organic milk, I’m grabbing the almond milk instead.

Again, a lot of individuals are sensitive to dairy, and actually experience accelerated fat loss by removing it from their diet.  I hardly drink milk anymore, and instead opt for almond milk whenever possible.

No lactose, no dairy, no indigestion, no bloat…and frankly, I think it tastes better.

And oh yeah, it has one THIRD the calories of regular milk while scoring far lower on the Insulin Index.

There’s pretty much no downside.

The PB & J Combo Read More »

They LIED – Spot reduction IS possible (here is the way to do it)

by Joel Marion

Do you suffer from “regional” fat storage?  You know, “problem
area” fat deposits — like on your hips, butt, thighs, stomach,
“love handles”, or god forbid, the dreaded “man boobs”?

Let me guess, every trainer you’ve talked to has told you the
same thing:

“It’s not possible to ‘spot reduce’.  You lose fat over your entire
body and you can’t ‘pick and choose’ where you lose it from.”



The problem is that most people don’t understand the CAUSES
of regional fat storage, and thus can’t provide you with a solution.

Fortunately, I DO know both — the causes AND the solutions,
and I’ve gotta give credit to one of my best friends and NY trainer
John Romaniello.

Problem Area: “love handles”
Hormone to Blame: Insulin
Solution Hormone: IGF-1
How to stimulate IGF-1 release: “Dynamic” Training

Problem Area: hips, butt, thighs and/or “man boobs”
Hormone to Blame: Estrogen
Solution Hormone: Testosterone
How to stimulate Testosterone release: “Density” Training

Problem Area: “belly/stomach”
Hormone to Blame: Cortisol
Solution Hormone: Growth Hormone
How to stimulate IGF-1 release: “Lactic Acid” Training

Fact is, you can fight off “problem area” hormones by
naturally producing more combative hormones via specific
types of training and exercise.

Here at ALIVE…we get it. That’s why your body is continually building and burning. If you don’t give your body 100%, what do you respect back in return?


Shower,  Stretch, ……….you know the rest



They LIED – Spot reduction IS possible (here is the way to do it) Read More »