Quitters Are Soon Forgotten

It is late on Saturday night and I have been stewing about something on my mind this entire week.

People that accept bring average have no place in our facility or taking up space in my brain.   Over the last month I have had to speak with three athletes individually about quitting during conditioning.  One athlete turned a complete 180 and will not accept anything more than his best.

He has earned my respect.

The other athletes have not and it is time to show them the door.  I don’t give damn if it is going to cost my gym income.  There are some things money can’t buy, and respect is one of them.

I don’t care about the total weight an athlete moves, any good program is based on progressions.


Not for me, or anyone that walks in the front door at the gym.  I am enraged by anyone that can accept quitting.  That’s what the average person does in the face of adversity – pack it up and do what is easiest.

Forget that!

Get your ass in gear and kick someone else’s.

Oh, and the two athletes that haven’t turned around?  They will be joining one more guy this week  for their day of reckoning.   Before the gym opens they are coming in and they will push the prowler until they quit or earn my respect.

I’ll be pushing it right next to them with fire in my eyes.


Anyone that quits is out of the facility and soon forgotten.

– Joe of http://synergy-athletics.com

do you agree?