Scary Dreams

Happy Monday all! Mr. J’ean here with a quick motivation that came from a dream.

Last night I dreamt about my biggest visions and goals – and it scared me. The scope felt so far beyond me.

Yet I know that’s exactly why I must pursue them. Our greatest callings often feel too big at first.

Many others have the same far-reaching dreams within. But few stick with them when fear arises.

My dreams don’t just seem big randomly – they are connected to my purpose. Even when they feel scary, I can’t stop.

Those who came before us failed many times chasing their huge visions. But they kept going until they succeeded.

So this is your reminder today – don’t EVER give up on your dreams, even if they feel too big. Let them scare you – it means they matter.

The world needs your gifts, even if you can’t yet see how they’ll come to be. Have faith and keep taking steps.

You have greatness within you. Keep progressing toward it steadily, and breakthroughs will unfold.

Stick to the plan. Stay focused on your highest goals. You got this!

And if these Monday motivation help you stick to big visions, please subscribe! Together, we’ll turn dreams into realities.

This is Jean signing off. Go make those scary dreams happen!