The Basics can never get old.

I got an email form one of my mentor, Zach Even-esh,

What was surprising to me was the recommendations he was giving to other trainers saying they were missing these in there programs.

Let me tell you a few of my recommendations for getting GOOD at what you do:

1) Get REALLY good at training with bodyweight exercises. (Sounds Familiar)

2) Use THE Barbell. The good ol’ Barbell is still the KING
of the weight room and the best tool to use for adding
strength and muscle. (Bingo)

3) Train Outdoors – Get used to training in the elements using
various tools that Mother Nature has left us: stones, playgrounds,
hills, etc. (Sounds Familiar)

4) Use the Odd Objects such as sandbags, tires, and yes, even
Russian Kettlebells. (Sounds Familiar)

The Basics can never get old.

We must be doing something right J