Vegetables and Fruits

It’s very important to consume as many green and leafy vegetables as we can eat in our diet. We should be conscious to include colorful vegetables too. Vegetables and fruits are packed full of important essential vitamins and minerals that so many people are lacking in their diets. Many individuals find it too much of a challenge to consume enough of these types of foods in their diet; therefore, vegetable and fruit juicing can be a simple remedy to the problem. It takes more vegetables and fruits than one person can eat in one serving, to make one large glass of healthy juice. Because of this, one large glass of vegetable and fruit juice can give you all the nutrients you need to ensure your cells are adequately nourished. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed in their raw form and vegetables may also be lightly steamed to retain their nutrient value.

Fruit is nature’s sweet snack and may also be eaten throughout the day to ensure healthy blood sugar levels. Vegetables and fruits are packed full of fiber that lowers bad cholesterols (LDL) and prevents constipation. When enjoyed in abundance, vegetables and fruits will assist in weight loss and maintenance as well as enduring energy levels throughout the day.

A diet rich in these two foods can prevent a number of diseases such as: cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancers, and osteoporosis.


It’s very important to eat enough protein in our diet. Protein is broken down by the body into amino acids, which are necessary for healthy cell growth and function. Protein is made up of 22 essential and non-essential amino acids. Some amino acids are made by our body, but most must be consumed from outside sources. Amino acids help us build healthy muscle tissue and blood. Protein helps the body to fight disease by building up our immune system and keeping it strong.

Nuts and Seeds 

Nuts and seeds are another healthy protein snack packed full of super food nutrition. Nuts and seeds offer a bounty of nutritional ingredients in the form of proteins, fats, B Vitamins, iron, magnesium, and other minerals. Nuts and seeds offer a variety of health benefits by improving cholesterol and blood lipids profiles and reducing heart disease.

Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are an excellent way to increase the enjoyment of your favorite healthy foods listed above. Most herbs and spices have their own health benefits too. Some herbs and spices are known to heal inflammation, pain, and nausea while adding a variety of flavors to our meals! Herbs may be used in place of sodium and herbs do not cause water retention or bloating to occur. Herbal teas may be enjoyed in a variety of healthy ways with an endless choice of flavors that help fight illness and disease too.

Eating can be a wonderful experience for both our body and our mind if we feed it well. We need to slow down in our day and unwind our minds. Try spending some time planning the meals you’re going to eat, then make those meals special. When we slow down and enjoy our meal, chewing our food completely, we become satisfied in a way that moving quickly through our meal cannot provide. Fill your bowl or plate with vegetables, nuts, and lean protein. Add in some herbs and spices. Have some fruit on the side. Mix it all up. And eat. You’ll be so glad you did.