You’re a Flake and Dead Weight

Last week I had the one thing that really irritates me…Flakes. If you don’t know what the definition of a flake is one who says they will show up for an event, gathering, etc.. at a particular time and repeatedly does not show with no follow up.

The upcoming client was coming in for their consultation, and continually kept rescheduling (I should have seen it coming) and they finally said “I’ll meet you 6a.m”. At first, I was shocked at such an early time but any client willing to take the steps to build a “new you” I’m willing to meet them half way. I text the client to remind them 6am and they confirmed. 6:30am, 7:00a.m. no show, and no phone call. I was angry, and pissed. I text them “You’re A Flake” and went on with my day.

Later on that Day, I started to feel bad. Something could have happened to them (car trouble, overslept) trying to them the benefit of the doubt, yet even when I called to check up on them it went to voice mail. Till this day I still have had no explanation. In my prayer closet, I was reminded that in “redirection is God’s protection”. Later on I saw that person, and though I wanted to confront them, I just let it go. In speaking to another trainer, who described this same person, he let them go two weeks later due to their attitude.

Yes, we trainers do get sick and tired of funky attitudes.

I digress, the action of this subject is too remind you that when you see a flake (or if you have may of them) in your life. Let them go. How can you become better when you have dead weight?. Either people will uplift your vision or try to choke it. So you see how they are. They’ll get the picture when you have moved on and achieving your goals. If they change, they’ll be back. If they keep hanging around, drop the dead weight.