Knowing when to say “when enough is enough”

Knowing when to say  “when enough is enough”

Proverbs 25
16. Have you found honey? Eat only what you need,
That you not have it in excess and vomit it.

There come a time in ones life where we push the limits of our bodies (food, alcohol, etc..) and our bodies say NO.

In my younger years I pushed myself more than once and paid for it for a day or many days to come.

I was once in Hawaii on a missionary retreat, and to the show there hospitality they laid out a food spread that was incredible. I mean I didn’t know where to start. I had a plate of food and was full. Next thing I know, a young woman walk up to me and asked, “Would you like some more”. Feeling in a comatose state (probably from the carbs I ate) I respectfully declined. As I looked around many people were going back two to three times for food. At the end of the meal, our host stood up and said” As you can see, we don’t eat to get full, we eat till our jaws get tired”. Unfortunately, the size of the people showed this to be true.

There comes a point when we all must put the fork down and back away from the plate. Overeating is not a good thing. You may have to hurt some peoples feelings by leaving some food on your plate. My grandmother would be so disappointed when I would, yet happy when she began to see the healthier me. If you can, serve you own plate of food. If you can’t serve your food, chew each bite 32 times before swallowing. Yes it will be mush by the time you swallow, but it will also be easier to breakdown on the stomach. Can’t chew 32 times, try having a conversation between bites. When in doubt, go back to step 1, put the fork down and back away from the plate.

No one wants to puke (if you do, that’s a problem) and food takes a awhile for the brain to signal that you are full. Enjoy the taste, enjoy the smell, and enjoy the sight. You’ll feel better for doing it.

1 thought on “Knowing when to say “when enough is enough””

  1. Knowing when to say enough is enough The A.L.I.V.E. Experience is a remarkable share. Thanks a lot for this writing.

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